LORD Lord Fusor 117 User Instructions Download Page 1


LORD Fusor


 117 Plastic to Metal Cross Bonding 



LORD Fusor


 117 plastic to metal cross bonding adhe-

sive is formulated to bond plastics such as SMC, carbon 
fi ber, Metton


, fi berglass, ABS, polycarbonate, acrylic, 

etc., to bare metal. It can also be used for plastic-to-
plastic bonding and metal-to-metal bonding.


Metal Preparation

1.  Grind the surface of all mating fl anges (not greater 

than 1 inch [25.4 mm]) to which LORD Fusor cross 
bonding adhesive will be applied. Make sure to 
remove any adhesive, e-coating, corrosion protection 
or galvanized coating. If metal has a pewter appear-
ance, then not all of the galvanized coating has 
been removed. The metal should be shiny in appear-
ance. If sectioning, the seam will need a 10° bevel 
for a smooth transition into the existing panel (see 
Illustration A).

2.  Pre-fi t the new panel to ensure proper alignment.

Plastic Preparation

1.  Clean the area to be bonded with plastic & rubber 


2.  Sand the bond areas with 80-grit sandpaper.

Product Preparation

1.  Remove the cap and nose plug from the LORD Fusor 

cross bonding adhesive.

2.  Insert the LORD Fusor two-component adhesive 

cartridge into the dispensing gun.

3.  Squeeze a small amount of LORD Fusor cross 

bonding adhesive from each side of the cartridge. 
This will level the plungers and ensure that adhesive 
is coming out of both sides of the cartridge.

4.  Attach the mixing tip and dispense a small amount of 

material, which is about the width and length of the 
mixer, to verify that the adhesive is evenly mixed and 
that the color is consistent.


1.  Apply a 3/8 to 1/2 inch (9.5 to 12.7 mm) bead of 

LORD Fusor cross bonding adhesive to the prepared 
mating surfaces (see Illustration B). 

2.  Secure the panel using clamps. Apply screws or 

rivets in hard-to-clamp areas. After the panel has 
been positioned, do not pull it away from the vehicle. 
If repositioning is necessary, slide the panels against 
one another. This maintains contact between the two 

3.  Allow adhesive to cure 1 to 1-1/2 hours before 

unclamping. Remove all excess adhesive from the 
sectioned area. It is critical to check the sectioned 
area for a smooth transition to prevent ghost-lines 
after painting. If necessary, additional grinding can 
be done to ensure a smooth seam. Skim-coat the 
section seam with fi ber-fi lled body fi ller, rough sand, 
and blend with conventional body fi ller. Wait 8 hours 
before painting and baking.

4.  The adhesive will be a little “tacky” on the surface 

after full cure. This is a normal property of the 

5.  Remove the mixing tip after usage and reinstall 

the nose plug and cap to avoid adhesive cross 

Technical Data

Work Time, minutes @ 70°F (21°C) 


Full Cure Strength, hours @ 70°F (21°C) 

Handling Strength, hours @ 70°F (21°C) 

2-1/2 to 3

Part Paintability, hours @ 70°F (21°C) 


Lap Shear Strength, psi (MPa)

  ASTM D 1002

Cold Rolled Steel 

2870 (19.8); cohesive failure


622 (4.3); fi ber tear

Cautionary Information

Before using this or any LORD product, refer to the Mate-
rial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and label for safe use and 
handling instructions.

For industrial/commercial use only. 

Must be applied by 

trained personnel only. Not to be used in household 
applications. Not for consumer use.

Illustration A

Metton is a trademark of Metton America, Inc.
