Logic L5.5E User Manual Download Page 1

S6T050 User Manual 




L5.5E User Manual 


Summary of Contents for L5.5E

Page 1: ...S6T050 User Manual L5 5E User Manual ...

Page 2: ...d as U Disk 2 3 WiFi 5 4 Bluetooth 7 5 Mail 9 5 2 Email 9 6 Dialling 11 7 Messaging 14 8 Contacts 17 9 Internet Explorer 22 10 Recorder 24 11 Clock 25 12 Caculator 26 13 Camera 27 14 Images 30 15 Music 32 16 Calender 34 17 FM Radio 35 18 Settings 36 19 Notices for the use of phone 41 ...

Page 3: ... opened application window back Press it to return to the previous interface or to close dialog box options menu notification panel or the keypad power Press it to open the phone s menu then you could choose to lock the screen turn off the phone or set it to the silent mode up Press it to increase the volume Press it to turn the phone to vibration mode from the silent mode down Press it to decreas...

Page 4: ...d music pictu s u disk firs u disk e to the com ransmission panel touc S as U Dis ures or other t mputer with n line will c ch USB is c S6T050 User M 2 sk r files to th h USB cabl connected to connected Manual e phone s m le The noti o the compu And then memory card fication ico uter touch the U rd from the on will appe USB conne computer ear in the st ected as a m you tatus media ...

Page 5: ...Wi avai Fi netw ilable ork S S6T050 User M 3 Manual USB connec debugging cted g ...

Page 6: ...4 Insert th Open U Notice O he SD Card USB connec On the PC o d ted operation as S sistant tool S6T050 User M 4 such as mo Manual obile phone Must be op pen the USB B debuggin ng ...

Page 7: ...d to th i Fi icon work will address ss settings p d re enter th e the netwo ng to the p to perform a e the netwo time conne ne needn t t rks S6T050 User M 5 range of wi access poin Wi Fi signa network one will auto Fi network w 2 with pass when op ect the netw WPA WPA he wireless and l display th please touch hese setting ork otherwi previously additional st ork with pas ecting to th to perform a ...

Page 8: ...nternet by GPRS Our current SIM card GPRS to open after the default boot Users can manually choose to open data connection when for the single card direct drop down the status bar touch data connection is open when for the card location in Settings SIM card cellular data select SIM1 or SIM2 touched the drop down data connection of the status bar is open the current selected SIM card data connectio...

Page 9: ...open and o the blueto arch for oth ces the syst S one can be d en bluetooth the devices d visible to ooth and ma her equipme tem will sho S6T050 User M 7 detected h box the s founded wi a nearby e atching ope ent and matc ow the pair Manual status box w ill display in quipment w en as long a ching use red and oth will show thi n the list un work other as the other her equipm his icon nder the icon...

Page 10: ...nte he equipme luetooth dev your phone ke or receiv o the Blueto ooth th equipmen cel the pairi S ooth headse en bluetooth devices in th ment touch s ed are unde ent list to fin vices need p the status b e callings ooth nt touch or ing S6T050 User M 8 et h box then he list under scanning eq er the detect nish the con password to box will sho tap and hol Manual n your phon r the icon quipment to te...

Page 11: ...setting e mail acco whether the word securit ail account ction screen en load ation prom ails mail crea Add C ails in the number of t nt if you w ss the menu pend on Gm terface inp e the sendin Settings cl S6T050 User M 9 t existing e g interface ount name can ty users wh a messenge n loading in mpting login ating mails Cc Bcc status box the unread m want to dele u button to d mail Accoun put the ...

Page 12: ... to the eation name ail mails select append A s e left of the S e the editor mails cre Add Cc Bcc small butto S6T050 User M 10 r of the law eate mails E c select s ons list all t Manual w that email Enter the ad send or disc the folder op l user name ddress recipi carded or sav ptions e and click ient them ave as draft next Comp me and cont plete ents ...

Page 13: ...ion s m twork serve r show the s main menu S er appears i trength of n dial Dial S6T050 User M 11 in the scree network sign the keyboa Manual en you coul nal When t ard You co ld dial or re the signal w ould choose eceive calli with the stro e SIM1 or S ings The si ongest signa SIM2 to do ignal al o the ...

Page 14: ...elete S the phone n l If needed rface or pres ed and receiv show SIM be dialed by ck it to catc save the nu S6T050 User M 12 number and d to call the ss menu key ved in SIM M1 or SIM2 y clicking th ch details p number or do Manual d then click e extension y to select M1 SIM2 he button d press it for lo o other oper k the dialing you could delay 2 sec will reserv dial on the r ong you cou rations g...

Page 15: ... dial anoth s other dial S ill show fro receive call own the ca down the ther phone en phone an to the ear uching press DI ing k on the DIS nference ca at SIM card her call o ing settings S6T050 User M 13 m which SI lings all button to call butto will receive nd human b the backlig ISMISS bu SMISS butto all open multi or receive a s after bo Manual IM card pr o the left sli on sliding u e the corr...

Page 16: ...acts a S f this phone structure those sent mber uch new m rt input meth om SiM1 or ut are not em mber defaulted as licking sen he Menu bu us icon on cally conver bers ox of enterin ad with the an only supp added more S6T050 User M 14 e is the pho Messages messages thod you c SIM2 to mpty click t s SMS it w nd after edi utton click n the left to rted into MM ng each n e receiver pl port up to 10 e ...

Page 17: ...0 User M 15 No a I you sho interface b Y of GIF J c C will ap y add again ns Manual otices If you wan ould select e You can ap JPEG Click addin ppear und n nt send MM append PP ppend 10 pi ng themes der the b MS with ma PT in the ictures with the box o box of r any pages append h the form f theme recipient ...

Page 18: ...e is sent aft will be a che nding failed utton information S ter the succe eckmark bes d a red trian can carry o S6T050 User M 16 ess accordi side the littl angle with ex out selectiv Manual ing to China le symbol xclamation ve operation a unicom m will appear n mobile SIM1 r when edit 1 or SIM2 s ting informa ends ation ...

Page 19: ... Contact contacts to p t contact hea S ons contact hone contac Icons Can phone or a a ad name tel S6T050 User M 17 ts ct and SIM n create New SIM card in lephone num Manual card contac w Contacts nto contact e mber group cts contact diting interfa save to and sort by piny ace more and t yin initials hen click fin nish ...

Page 20: ...ou can mbers or lette the contact of the conta ontact one a inition but a S he Menu bu n enter the c ers and part t interface w act a SIM card also on a SI S6T050 User M 18 utton ontact searc t name that will appear of contact IM card and Manual ch interface will be sho was not fou the mobile d cell phone own in searc und any con phone cont e choice whe ch results ntact tacts ether or not t to sho...

Page 21: ...n local S py source a icon to the column inp contact sear on the Men S SIM card an and then sele new group put group n rch and add nu button S6T050 User M 19 nd SD card ect the next name in ty ded to the g Menu func Manual d three parti t step select ype in the c group Finall ctions ies achieve ting copy co contact s na ly click fin contact inf ontact to ca ame colum nish formation of an complete ...

Page 22: ...roup and wi essaging by atic new info mail by grou ct group hav he receiver ronization s n S delete or a ill not delet y group ormation an up ve the same set routine S6T050 User M 20 add group o te the contac nd the grou e email add synchrono Manual f contacts ct itself p added to c dress the au ous Settings contact the utomatic new s can choo address bar w mail and ose backgr r recipients d E mai...

Page 23: ...h Menu S Can be set Setings t up sorting and the for S rmat of the n S6T050 User M 21 name Manual ...

Page 24: ...have a set will use the preset site The default home page is the page navigation d Menu Save to bookmarks Will send the address of the current window as a bookmark Click the bookmark list of bookmarks open the bookmark url e Menu Close Exit the browser or minimize the browser f Menu Save for offine reading Automatically save the current page and content in order to browse next time g Menu Share pa...

Page 25: ...ng web brow ement switc n fast contro S ome page se g clear histo ding size cl wsing page ch whether ol and full s S6T050 User M 23 et functions orical recor lick operatio e adjustment to load the screen displ Manual such as bel rd clear the on scale an t plug in en picture whe ay function ow cache and nd other fun nabled and en loading t n other funct nctions other funct the page tions tions ...

Page 26: ...4 10 Recorder Recorder can only save the audio files as 3gpp format 1 Click the recorder application 2 Keep the phone s microphone near the voice source 3 Click recorder to record voices and click to stop or Recordinglist ...

Page 27: ...inte 00 ent alarm S n click arrives in th m you can a erface of al you could e S6T050 User M 25 The he setting ti also add it f arm will sh edit time r Manual alarm clock ime to alert from the add how three c ringing tone k Settings in you by ring ding interfac closed alarm es vibratio nto the inter ging or vibr ce You cou ms two al on repeat rface ating to ach uld set the a larm clocks form and t...

Page 28: ...or ion can turn the number erface of ca n your phone keys to mak alculator pr S e into calcu ke it appear ress MENU S6T050 User M 26 ulator it c r in the blan U button or Manual can do some nk box hold down e simple cal the screen lculations to the left then the se enior ...

Page 29: ...os will sa photos by t ch the butto nder mode of camera splay on ful S ng the came camera Tak reen n the screen ve to the ca touching the on of settin press Menu viewfinder ll screen and S6T050 User M 27 era or video ke pictures n amera s gall e preview b ng Menu in u you can r mode disp d you can en Manual o camera A ley folder w box button n the interfa n switch to v play the pre nlarge it to Al...

Page 30: ...era Settings Capture mode normal Live Photo Motion Track Face beauty Panorama HDR Multi angle view Zero shutter delay on off Anti shake on off Face Detection ON Off Gesture shot ON Off Smile shot ON Off Mute ON Off self timer off 2seconds 10seconds Auto scene detection ON Off Capture shot 40 shots 99 shots picture size 1M pixels 4M pixels 6M pixels 9 5M pixels 12M pixels Full screen 1 3M pixels 2M...

Page 31: ...e butto nder mode amera view y on full scr N OFF on eting norm al off 1s ow medium S menu select ct he shutter bu tomatically hoto viewing button can on of set in press Menu wfinder mod reen and you mal 1 5s 2s m high f S6T050 User M 29 t the camera utton taken as fi g images a broadcast v n the interfa u you can de display th u can touch s 2 5s 3s fine Manual a Switch to file name s video prev vi...

Page 32: ...res c ation and cl sending pi ation and cl h to send im S lications t ss menu to o the upper ain interfac pper right a picture to s es pop up c d folder or p ion sharing choose Gma ick send ctures sele lick send mages und S6T050 User M 30 then touch p open it the right corner e folder th a slide show ee interface correspondin photos in pi ail or E ma ect informat der the list Manual photos galle e...

Page 33: ...a S th ng around o estore ancie nt negative mirror lly adjust co ack and whi he screen or hts Shadow rocess Pos ation B W en Rotate of the clip e or outside hours in the cture area o y touch vide playback co e control ba io play full y play whe S6T050 User M 31 on the screen ent ways wh impact olor exposu ite filter r so slip ca ws Auto F sterize Lo W Sepia N e Flip Sh please hold the center t e c...

Page 34: ...tures on all or large to view the ss and hold ne dio files in pplications according to ies you can yback mode of the can co nd so on our wanted m l appear Ch he songs in i songs in th ffle Then w ouch to turn fle S6T050 User M 32 um to view i full screen thumbnails previous on down the memory ca touch musi o the follow n view the li e looping r ontrol the br music appe hoose any o it will be pl he...

Page 35: ...e screen up and browse to the new you want to play lists of the artist album or song 3 hold the artist album or song and then touch the options menu is added to the playlist 4 is added to the playlist window touch the new playlist 5 enter the name of the new playlist and then touch save manage playlists Enter the music library then touch the playlist 1 if you want to play songs in the playlist ple...

Page 36: ...e return he event is S ce white color week he small arr of the sched chedule for month sche e schedule f int w activities the name as birthday eriod of time ustration inv n to the cale displayed in S6T050 User M 34 r on the surf row years th dule on the this week edule date for a certai y or a whole e select the nvited object endar n the calend Manual face of the m he lower righ month or p click d...

Page 37: ...ication of matic scann ning to the ll preserved o cannot list ones as ante e rear of the program m out any oth S6T050 User M 35 M radio on t pening this ou can swit f FM radio ning search radio to the d input filen ten to in the enna but cli e five point moved to the her program Manual the device s program tch it manu FM channe e current ca name Save t e backgroun ick on the h ted star icon e back...

Page 38: ...dj ss Ac Can mo Adj Set ated Rot S fault some pen or close ouch Wi Fi able network word first flight mode ally the touch bl or stop usin se a voice c nd informati data traffic li hotspot djust the scre ccording to n the wallpa obile phone djust the dela the font siz tate the con S6T050 User M 36 device sett e rks automat e Wi Fi w luetooth op ng a SIM ca call informa ion imit flow mo een brightn t...

Page 39: ...use GP auxiliary da remind you S es settings u tones notific very environ Conference the ring vo phone ring ound w of the head e ell phone me r Erase S ult memory h module to u and delete in on the stop to find loca e positionin PS assistanc ata can acce u it produc S6T050 User M 37 under the st cation and nment Outdoor olume and g dphones sou mory usage D card use power in nstalled appli p runnin...

Page 40: ...ents Allow to inst Manage and any of the s p the service ew the prog ee the using ebug USB and mobile MAP ict Inclu Add words t S6T050 User M 38 PIN or pass me there wi e the step m to unlock th d to unlock tion umbers PI n Number vider gives t open the S ld PIN code essfully If PUK codes e SIM card when enter r delete devi plication vis rypted certif cate store p of the certi tall non ele delete ...

Page 41: ...password abled n pdates age dering S brating whe zing automa speech can b tion when yo or specified n select And n data WLAN ngs Clear al and time pr and t Select Time GMT 08 0 and t t ON O There are 3 Day M Year M hutdown by during a we cording to t and not shut nting ugging only ver sleep whi S6T050 User M 39 en buttons a atically Spe be altered b ou input wo d keys droid keybo N password a ll d...

Page 42: ...ho About You c ndow anima ansition anim on t keep acti ckground pro ow all APRs t phone can check th tion scale mation scale ivities ocess limit he informati S ion on statu S6T050 User M 40 us bar and re Manual emaining po ower ...

Page 43: ...it not work 11 Use clean soft dry cloth to clean the camera light sensor lenses Prohibit the use of harmful chemicals and cleaning agents cleaning fluids to clean the phone 12 If mobile phone battery charger or mobile phone accessories are defective send to the nearest qualified service center for inspection 13 I f nessary Service Centre staff will assist you and will arrange for phone repairs FCC...

Page 44: ... not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equi...
