Step 4: Sensors data
After enabling the channel or channels to use and selecting the interface type (if applicable), the next screen
displays the sensor’s data as shown in the images below.
Figures 21 and 22: Potentiometer’s data in Channel 1 and Full Wheatstone Bridge, Thermistor, and Pulse counter data in
Channel 1, 2 and 3, respectively
Step 5: Radio Network configuration
At this stage, several parameters need to be specified.
Radio Type
There are two types of radio from which to choose, namely, Radio off and LS radio (Figure 23). The former is meant
to work in standalone, this is with the Piconode collecting data from the sensor or sensors it has connected but
without having deployed a gateway to transfer the data. LS radio (Loadsensing radio) refers to having a node
(Piconode in this case) and a gateway.
Radio off
Only the Sampling Rate parameter needs to be indicated (see figure 24).
The message shown specifies that:
LS Radio - is to be selected for systems working with the original gateway architecture (dataserver
embedded in the gateway)