2016 | Lithionics Battery LLC | SOCV6 REV0
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Data Formatting:
There will be a continuous stream of data packets with 1 second time interval between packets.
Each data packet is an ASCII string of 45 characters, containing 10 data fields. Each field starts
with label character and follows by decimal numeric data of constant length, padded by leading
zeroes. Each string is terminated by carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) characters, bytes 0D
and 0A.
Example of Data packet:
Data packet fields:
B – Battery address, typically 1, in multi-battery systems this will represent battery order – 1 digit
H – AmpHours remaining, in 0.1Ah resolution, i.e. 123 = 12.3Ah – 5 digits long
V – Volts, in 0.1V for LV systems (12V-64V) or 1V resolution for HV systems (64V+), i.e. 123 =12.3V
– 3 digits long
F – Fuel Gauge, in percent, i.e. 100 = 100% - 3 digits long
S – SoC percent, in percent, i.e. 100 = 100% 3 digits long
D – Current direction, 1 – charging, 0 – discharging – 1 digit long
A – Amps live, in 0.1A resolution, i.e. 123 – 12.3Amp – 5 digits long
W – Watts instant, in 1W resolution, i.e. 20000 = 20000W – 6 digits long
T – Temperature, in degrees, units depend on setup parameter – 3 digits long
R – Reserved for future use. Last byte is defined in “Battery State” on page 20.