Instructions SV-33FC
Getting started
Caution: When the first time you use the fitness tracker, please make sure to full charging before
using. Please read this user guide carefully before using the product. lt contains important informa
tion for your safety as well as use and maintenance advice.
Safety precautions
• The product contains electrical components that could cause injury if not handled properly.
• Do not open the enclosure or disassemble the product.
• Do not expose the product to extremely high or low temperatures.
• Do not use the product in a sauna or steam room.
• Do not leave the product in direct sunlight for an extended period of time.
• Do not dispose the product in a fire, the built-in battery can explode.
• The product features a built-in battery, which is not user replaceable.
• Do not check call notifications or other data on the product’s screen while driving or in other si
tuations where distractions could be hazardous.
• The distance travelled may be inaccurate. lt is for reference only and should not be used as any
navigational reference.
• The product should usually resta finger’s width below the wrist bone, as you would normally wear
a watch.
• This product has been classified as IP67.
Caution: The device may cause skin irritation. Prolonged contact may contribute to skin irritation
or allergies in some users. lf you notice any signs of skin redness, swelling, itchiness or other skin
irritation, please discontinue using the product. Continued use, even after symptoms subside, may
result in renewed or increased irritation. lf symptoms persíst, consult your doctor.
Blood Oxygen Notice
• WARNING! Only a medical practitioner is qualified to interpret your blood oxygen measurements.
The use of this smart bracelet should not replace regular medical examinations.
• Blood Oxygen can be subjected to wide fluctuations in a short period of time as its level depends
on many factors.
• Different medicines, alcohol and smoking can exert a large influence on the level of Blood Oxy
gen. Do not smoke, drink caffeinated beverages or exercise within 30 minutes before measuring
your blood oxygen.