Customer Training Guide
Pre-Launch Wave Glider® SV3
08033 Rev A
Vehicle and tracker op area defined:
– Click vehicle icon – Click Operation Polygons – Check to see if the appropriate
Polygon is enabled.
Note: 11/11/2015 If two operational polygons (Inclusion) are
enabled the smaller polygon should give one alarm. Once the glider crosses the second
polygon it will send continuous alarms.
There can be multiple Exclusion Zones enabled at one time.
Enabling operational polygons during a prelaunch will cause the wave glider to produce
out of bounds errors. It is recommended to enable the operational polygon before
launching the wave glider. Once the Wave Glider is launched, place it on mission. When
a vehicle is on mission alarms will be sent to individuals that are on the escalation list.
During this process also look at the waypoints that are loaded onto the vehicle. Insure
that all courses are set up and loaded correctly.