Lino PVL TC4 V R Instructions For Use Manual Download Page 1



ИнструкцИя по эксплуатацИИ


ИнструкцИИ за експлоатацИя


упатстВо за употреБа


pvl TC4 v R

C O M F O R T   A T   A   R E A C H





ВИтрокераМИЧнИ плотоВе




















Summary of Contents for PVL TC4 V R


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Page 23: ...4 1 1 cm 14 5 1 Wh kg 192 0 2 2 cm 14 5 2 Wh kg 192 0 3 3 cm 18 0 3 Wh kg 192 0 4 4 cm 18 0 4 Wh kg 192 0 Wh kg 192 0 EN 60350 2 PVL TC4 V R...

Page 24: za kvalitet I sigurnost Nadamo se da e isti da odgovori vasim potrebama I zahtevima Kada god smo vam potrebni ne dvoumite se potra iti nas Mi cemo uvek biti uz vas kada god vam je potrebno za sarad...

Page 25: ...aca Ukljucivanje dvojnih i trojnih zona Podesavanje jacine kuvanja sa i bez pojacivanjem toplote Iskljucivanje pojedinih grejaca Funkcija tajmera Zakljucavanje dugmadi Blokada za decu Stop Go funkcija...

Page 26: ...SRB...

Page 27: ...tva i znanja ukoliko su te osobe pod nadzorom ili su dobile instrukcije oko upotrebe ure aja na bezbedan na in i razumeju povezane opasnosti Deca se ne smeju igrati ure ajem i enje i odr avanje se ne...

Page 28: ...e dovesti do pucanje stakla ili o te enje povr ine Ne koristiti paro ista e za i enje ure aja Va ure aj je proizveden u suglasnosti primenljivim lokalnim i me unarodnim standardima i propisima Odr av...

Page 29: ...a kad on radi Ne ostavljati poret dok kuvate vrstim ili te nim uljama Oni se mogu zapaliti kada su suvi e ugrejani Nikada ne posipati vodu na plamenove nastale od ulja Pokriti tiganj poklopcem kako bi...

Page 30: ...50 Za rafite 4 nosa a za montiranje na bo nim stranama plo e nosa i za montiranje SRB...

Page 31: ...Izjava o uskla enosti Izjavljujemo da na i proizvodi zadovoljavaju primenljive evropske direktive odluke i propise kao i zahteve navedene u nazna enim standardima SRB SRB...

Page 32: ...SRB SRB Prikaz grejne zone...

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Page 45: ...a ovaj proizvod ne sme biti tretiran kao ku ni otpad ve se mora odneti na odgovaraju e mesto na kome se vr i recikla a elektri ne i elektronske opreme Odlaganje se mora vr iti u skladu sa lokalnim pro...

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Page 69: dhe mund t p rdoret normalisht Prisni derisa F t zhduket p r t gjitha zonat ndizeni pianur n duke prekur dhe vazhdoni ta p rdorni Ky i i f mij ve Funksionaliteti i ky it t f mij ve sht b r p r ta b...

Page 70: ...nga temperatura e lart Kufizimet e koh s t p rdorimit Funksionet e nxeht sis t mbetur P RMBAJTJA Vendosja e pianur s inkaso Lidhja elektrike e pianur s Vendosja e nivelit t gatimit me dhe pa p rshpej...

Page 71: ...q ta mbani k t manual p r referenc n t ardhmen Soba juaj e re sht me garanci dhe do t ket jet gjat si t madhe Kjo garanci vlen vet m n se pajisja sht instaluar dhe vihet n pun n p rputhje me udh zime...

Page 72: ...imin e pajisjes n nj m nyr t sigurt dhe n se i kuptojn rreziqet q p rfshihen F mij t nuk duhet t luajn me pajisjen Pastrimi dhe mir mbajtja nga p rdoruesi nuk duhet t kryhen nga f mij t e pamonitoruar...

Page 73: ...sht e rrezikshme t ndryshoni ose t modifikoni specifikimet e pajisjes n do m nyr t mundshme Para montimit sigurohuni q kushtet e furnizimit lokal natyra e gazit dhe trysnia e gazit ose voltazhi dhe f...

Page 74: ...pajisjes kur t jet n pun Mos u largoni nga soba kur gatuani me vajra t ngurt ose t l ngsh m Ata mund t marrin zjarr nga nxeht sia shum e lart Mos hidhni kurr uj mbi flak t e shkaktuara nga vaji Mbulo...

Page 75: ...n p r nj koh t gjat at her e ky ni nga energjia elektrike Kontrollin kryesor e mbani fikur Gjithashtu kur nuk e p rdorni pajisjen e mbani valvulin e gazit t fikur Sigurohuni se pajisjet e kontrollit t...

Page 76: ...e p rdorimit duhen zbatuar rregullat e siguris riciklimi i duhur n p rputhje me rregullat etj Vendosja e vatr s t brendshme Pasi ta keni hequr materialin e paketimit nga pajisja dhe aksesor t e tij s...

Page 77: ...n sore t produktit Vendosni shiritin ngjit s t dh n deri n fund rrotull an s t poshtme t sip rfaqes s gatimit p rgjat an s t jashtme t panelit prej xhami qeramik Mos e tendosni kllap e montimit t sob...

Page 78: ...N se nuk ka qark dhe el s sigurese t dedikuar ato duhet t instalohen nga nj elektricist i kualifikuar para se t lidhet vatra el si i sigures s duhet t arrihet me leht si pasi t jet instaluar pianura M...

Page 79: ...lidhje e gabuar mund ta d mtoj pajisjen tuaj Garancia nuk do t i mbuloj k to d mtime T gjitha riparimet duhet t b hen nga nj personel servisi i autorizuar ose nj elektri ist i kualifikuar Shk puteni p...

Page 80: ...a aktive joaktive Ekrani i vatr s Pika dhjetore Treguesit e zon s t gatimit Funksioni i koh mat sit Ekrani i koh mat sit Treguesi i zon s dyshe Treguesi i zon s treshe Zgjedhja e zon s dyshe treshe Ko...

Page 81: ...he n se butonat e tjer shtypen nj koh sisht N se ka nxeht si t mbetur n nj vat r kjo do t tregohet nga rregullimi p rkat s i nxeht sis n Ekranin e vatr s Zgjedhja e vatr s N se zgjidhet nj vat r e vet...

Page 82: ...eni prekur edhe nj her zona treshe e vatr s do t fiket p rs ri do veprim b n nj ndryshim t statusit t zonave dyshe treshe duke ndjekur k t form Zona dyshe ndezur zona treshe ndezur t gjitha zonat e zg...

Page 83: ...kur vatr n duhet t shtypet dhe nj koh sisht Nj sinjal akustik bie dhe shfaqet 0 n ekranin rregullimit t nxeht sis N se koh mat si sht aktiv p r vatr n e zgjedhur at her do t shfaqet 0 n ekranin e vatr...

Page 84: ...caktuar n vatra dhe 1 p rkujtues minutash i cili nuk i caktohet asnj vatre nj koh sisht T gjith koh mat sit mund t p rdoren vet m n B Mode Nj koh mat s vatre mund t i caktohet vet m nj vatre aktive q...

Page 85: ...regon q koha ka mbaruar P r t ndaluar sinjalin ju duhet t konfirmoni mbarimin e koh s duke prekur far do butoni Koh mat si i vatr s Koh mat sit e vatrave mund t vendosen vet m p r vatrat e aktivizuara...

Page 86: ...t sin duke p rdorur Butonin e koh mat sit aktiv joaktiv derisa t shfaqet Vlera mund t fshihet n 2 m nyra t ndryshme Ulje duke prekur derisa t shfaqet 00 n Ekranin e koh mat sit Prekni dhe nj koh sisht...

Page 87: ...ta ndizni p rs ri pa e zhbllokuar Pasi t keni shtypur p r 2 sek Treguesi i ky jes t butonave zhduket Tani kontrolli i pianur s sht i zhbllokuar dhe mund t p rdoret normalisht Prisni derisa F t zhduket...

Page 88: ...f mij ve po ashtu mund t aktivizohet Pasi t keni shtypur pas sinjalit pastaj dhe duhet t shtypen nj koh sisht p r t pakt n 0 5 sek duke prekur m pas vet m Si konfirmim p r zhbllokimin me sukses simbol...

Page 89: ...rimit t sensor ve tregon n form akustike at veprim t gabuar tenxhere ose objekt tjet r i vendosur mbi buton defekt sensori etj dhe e fik pajisjen Kjo fikje sigurie b n q kontrolli i vatr s t fiket n S...

Page 90: ...n duke prekur Kufizimet e koh s t p rdorimit Nj sia e kontrollit t pianur s ka nj kufizim p r koh n e p rdorimit N se rregullimi i nxeht sis p r nj vat r nuk sht ndryshuar p r nj koh t caktuar at her...

Page 91: ...sis t mbetur shfaqet p r sa koh temperatura e llogaritur e vatr s sht 60 C Ekrani i nxeht sis t mbetur ka prioritetin m t ul t dhe mbivendoset nga do vler tjet r e ekranit gjat fikjeve t siguris dhe...

Page 92: ...digjeni l reni pajisjen t ftohet Hiqni t gjitha ushqimet dhe yndyr n e derdhur me nj lopat z xhamash Pastaj fshijeni sob n me l ng t p rshtatsh m pastrimi dhe pastrojeni me leck t pak t njom Fshijeni...

Page 93: ...dukt hidhet n m nyr t duhur ju do t ndihmoni n parandalimin e pasojave t mundshme negative p r mjedisin dhe sh ndetin njer zor t cilat ndryshe do t mund t shkaktoheshin nga trajtimi joadekuat i mbetur...


Page 95: ...ff The Control Select Heater Turn on dual and triple zones Turn Off Individual Heaters Timer Function Key Lock Child Lock TOUCH CONTROL SAFETY FUNCTIONS Sensor Safety Cut Off Over Temperature Switch O...

Page 96: ...Your new hob is guaranteed and will give lasting service This guarantee is only applicable if the appliance has been installed and operated in accordance with the operating and installation instructio...

Page 97: ...truction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved Children shall not play with the appliance Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children withou...

Page 98: ...ld be allowed to cool before closing the lid The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp me...

Page 99: ...with accessories Ensure that the supply cord is not wedged during the installation If the supply cord qualified persons in order to prevent a hazard Do not operate the appliance before it is fully ins...

Page 100: ...andles to a safe position so they cannot be knocked or grabbed If you will not use the appliance for a long time plug it off Keep the main control switch off Also when you do not use the appliance kee...

Page 101: the country of use are to be followed safety regulations proper recycling in accordance with the regulations etc Locating your built in hob After removing the packaging material from the appliance...

Page 102: ...ply the one sided self adhesive sealing tape supplied all the way round the lower edge of the cooking surface along the outer edge of the glass ceramic panel Do not stretch it worktop mounting bracket...

Page 103: ...esidence and the electrical current plug in use must be earthed and conform with safety regulations If there is no dedicated hob circuit and fused switch they must be installed by a qualified electric...

Page 104: ...r appliance The guarantee will not cover such damages All repairs must be carried out by an authorised service personal or a qualified electrician Unplug your appliance before each maintenance For rec...

Page 105: ...d by displays and acoustic signals Stand By Mode S Mode The mains are applied to the hob control and all heater displays are off or a residual heat display is active Operating Mode B Mode At least one...

Page 106: ...even if other buttons are pressed simultaneously If there is a residual heat of a heater remaining this will be indicated in the correspondent heat setting Heater Display Select Heater If a single hea...

Page 107: ...e heater is switched on The Triple Zone Indicator will be illuminated and the triple zone will be energized After touching once again the triple zone of the heater will be switched off again Each oper...

Page 108: ...Display flashes To turn signal sounds and 0 appears in the heat setting display display and also the related timer Cooking Zone Indicator Timer Function and the Timer Display is turned off If there is...

Page 109: ...ovides following features The control can run max 4 heater assigned timers and 1 minute minder which is assigned to no heater simultaneously independent of any heater In order to use both functions ti...

Page 110: the key lock function it will proceed increasing the minutes until run out indication To stop the buzzer you have to confirm the run out by touching any button Heater timer Heater timers can be se...

Page 111: ...t have to select the timer by toggling the Active Deactive Timer Button until it is displayed The value can be erased then in 2 different ways Decrement by touching until 00 appears on the Timer Displ...

Page 112: ...erated in normal order Child Lock Child lock functionality is foreseen to lock the appliance in a complicated Multi Step process Child locking and unlocking is only available in the S Mode First has t...

Page 113: ...pressing until the beep then the and have to be pressed a confirmation for successful unlocking L symbol in the displays will be erased immediately EN...

Page 114: ...of one or more buttons are pressed longer than 12 sec the sensor monitoring routine indicates acoustically that wrong operation pot or other object placed on the button sensor failure etc and switche...

Page 115: ...4 heater display with the letter t for all the time until the temperature decreases After the temperature falling the t displays will be erased and the hob control unit falls back into the S Mode This...

Page 116: ...shown as long as the calculated heater temperature is 60 C The display of the residual heat has the lowest priority and is overwritten by every other display value during safety turn offs and display...

Page 117: ...let the appliance cool down Remove all split food and fat with a window scrape Then wipe the hob with a suitable washing up liquid and a clean damp cloth Rub the appliance using a clean dry cloth If...

Page 118: ...onic equipment By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by inappropr...

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Page 122: ...1 YMCTBeHHblMl 1 cnoco6HOCTflMl l Jll 160 C OTCYTCTBl leM OnblTa l 1 3H8Hl lVI B TOM cny4ae ecnv l lMl 1 6y o eT PYKOBO D l lTb 4eJlOBeK OTBeTCTBeHHblVI 38 l lX 6e3onaCHOCTb l 1 o o l lX cse o eHv s...

Page 123: ...epXHOCTe TaK KaK OHV1 MoryT npV1BeCTV1 K nos sneHV1K u apanV1H Ha nosepxHOCTV1 s V1Tore Mo KeT V1MeTb MeCTO paCKOJl CTeKna V1JlV1 nospe K QeHV1e nosepxHOCTV1 He V1Cnonb3Y Te nap004V1CTV1Tene QJlfl 4V1...

Page 124: ...nOABepra iiTe ero B03 Qel CTBMIO COllHe lHblX 11y e ii MCKJllO lMTe nonBAaHMe nOA AO KAb CHer M T A MaTepM8llbl H8XOAS1Ll Mecs BMM3M yCTpOI CTBa wKacp AOJl KHbl BbIAep KMB8Tb TeMnepaTypy He MeHee 100...

Page 125: na T9XHL 1KL 1 6e3onaCHOCTL 1 HOpMaTL lBbl no YTL 1Jll 13aL 1L 1L 1 L 1 T n ASVICTBy o e B CTpaHe cnOJlb30BaHL 1R np 6opa Pacnono KeHMe ecTpaMeaeMoi eapo Hoi naHe11M nocne pacnaKOBK np 6opa aKceccy...

Page 126: ...A mm B mm RU 50...

Page 127: ...1BaM 6e3onacHOCTl 1 np1 1 OTCYTCTBl 11 1 OTA9JlbHOIII C9Tl 1 l 1 nnaBKOro npeAOXpaHl 1T9JlA AJlA eapO IHOI I naH9Jll 1 l 1X AOJ1 K9H ycTaHOBl 1Tb KBaJll 1Q l 1Lll 1POBaHHbllll 3Jl9KTPl 1K AO nOAKJ1I0...

Page 128: ...3x2 5 mm 220V 3x2 5 mm 230V 3x2 5 mm 240V 3x2 5 mm 220V 3x2 5 mm 230V 3x2 5 mm 240V 5x1 5 mm 380V 3N 5x1 5 mm 400V 3N 5x1 5 mm 415V 3N 5x1 5 mm 380V 3N 5x1 5 mm 400V 3N 5x1 5 mm 415V 3N RU...

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Page 130: ...ocTanocb ocTaTo Hoe rnnno 06 3TOM coo6u 1 1T HaAne Ka 1 1 napaMeTp Ha Al 1Cnnee HarpesaTenA Bb 6op 30Hbl Harpeea np1 1 Bbl6ope OAHO 30Hbl Harpesa Ha KaTl 1eM COOTBeTCTBy ou e KHOnKl 1 BKJllO ll 1Tb B...

Page 131: ...M ra ou M Cl IMBD n0M A 49P9AYIOL1 ll IMCR C sen 41 1HOVI HaCTpOVIKl I M0ll lH0CTl I Harpesa Hanp Mep nonceKYHAbl A nonceKYHAbl 9 Ha A cnnee HarpesarnnR no 3asepweH nep oAa 6b cTporo Harpesa Ha A cnn...

Page 132: ...CTBy o eM A Cnnee 30Hbl Harpesa AnR OTKnl0 19H R 30Hbl Harpesa He06XOA MO OAHOBpeMeHHO Ha aTb Ha KHOnK npo3BY4 T c rHan 3YMMepa Ha A cnnee yposHR Harpesa nORB TCR C MBOn O Ecn BKn o leH Tav Mep Bb16pa...

Page 133: ...Bl 1TCR Cl 1MBOn O a Al 1Cnnev Tav Mepa OTKnlO ll 1TCR Ha Al 1Cnnee Tav Mepa 6yAeT OT06pa aTbCR 00 l 1HAl 1KaTop 30Hbl Harpesa COOTB9TCTBy o ero TaVIMepa OTKnlO ll 1TCR Ta o e OTKnlO ll 1TCR Ha3Ha leH...

Page 134: ...Q l Ha B03MQ KHblM 6yAeT T0nbK0 0TKnl049Hl 19 np 6opa DyHKl ll lR 6n0K1 1p0BKl 1 6yAeT aKTl lBHOVI np H aTl l Ha KH0nKY 6n0K1 1p0BKa KH0n0K KaK Ml 1Hl 1MYM B T949Hl 19 2 CSKYHA Bbln0nHeHl ll l 3TOVI o...

Page 135: ...110KMpOBK8 OT A8T8M cDyHKL IVIR 6nOKV1pOBKVI OT AeTe npeAyCMOTpeHa AnR 6nOKV1pOBKVI npv 6opa nocpeACTBOM ycno KHeHHoro MHorocTyneH aToro npoL1ecca 6nOKVIPOBKa OT AeTe v pa36noKv pOBKa AOCTYnHbl TDnbKO...

Page 136: ...bll l 3BYKOBOVI Cl 1rH8Jl B Bl 1 Qe QByx ry QK0B t yHKL 11 1R 0CTaH0BKl 1 Tenepb aKTl 1BHa l 1 sce BKfll049HHbl9 30Hbl Harpesa n0Hl 13RT CBOVI yposeHb Q0 3Ha49Hl 1R V Ha 0 QHY Ml 1Hyry 3aTeM B T949Hl...

Page 137: ...6yAeT 80306H08neH ero 0TC leT 3TO 03Ha laeT ITO 80 8peMR pa60Tbl cpyHKL ll ll l 0CTaH08Kl 1 l 1 8KnlO leHl 1R 0TC leT 8peMeH Harpe8aH R He np01 1380Al 1TCR l nR 0TKnlO leH R cpyHKL 11 11 1 0CTaH08Kl...

Page 138: ...Ha KHOnKe CTOL lT nocy Qa 1 1n1 1 Qpyro npe QMeT He1 1cnpaBHOCTb ceHcopa 1 1 T Q 1 1 np1 16op OTKnlOl laeTCR Cpa6aTb1B8Hl 1e cpyHKL 11 11 1 38l L ll 1THOro OTKnlOl leHL lR snel leT 38 co6o nepeKn ol...

Page 139: ...eHl 1R TeMnepaTypbl RU nocne CHl 1 1 eHl 1R TeMneparypbl Cl 1MB0n T l 1C4e3HeT a 3neMeHT ynpasneHl 1R sap04HOV naHenblO nepeKnl041 1TCR B pe l l 1M Q l l 1AaHl 1R 3TO 03Ha4aeT 4TO nonb30BaTenb CM0 l e...

Page 140: ...noKa pacc 1 1TaHHaR TeMnepaTypa npesb waeT 60 C J 1 1cn11e OCTaTO IHO Tenna l 1M88T caMy o Hl 13KYIO CTeneHb np1 1op1 1TeTHOCTl 1 1 1 nosepx ero AaHHb x MOryT 661Tb 3an1 1caHb1 3Ha eH1 1R 11 o6oro Ap...

Page 141: ...necKaswy ocR n1 1 y 1 1 Kl 1p CKpe6KOM AnR OKOH 3aTeM npoTpl 1Te sap04HYIO naHenb nOAXOAR ev Mo o ev Kl 1AKOCTblO l 1 Bb1Tpl 1Te cyxov MRrKOVI TKaHblO npoTpl 1Te np1 16op 41 1CTOVI cyxov TpRnKOVI Ecn1...

Page 142: ...cpeACTB aapoaor e 8 TaK Ke cpeACTB AI151 YA8I10Hl 151 n51T0H lJ aHHble 41 1CT511 L l 10 cpeACTBa MOryT np1 1secr1 1 K BO3ropaHl 1IO a TaK Ke CT8Tb npl 141 1HO o6ec se41 1B8Hl 151 CT0KJlOKepaMl 140CKO...

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