Lino HSL 263VL W User Manual Download Page 1















Хладилник - Фризер








Морозильная и холодильная камера

Summary of Contents for HSL 263VL W


Page 2: ...LINO...

Page 3: ...2 2 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 5 5 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 18...

Page 4: ...BG 2 1 ISO 7010 W021 R600a BG 5...

Page 5: ...BG 3 16 8 BG 6...

Page 6: ...BG 4 2000 BG 7...

Page 7: ...BG 5 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE BG 8...

Page 8: ...BG 6 220 240V 50 Hz 16 A 50 5 15 c 2 90 BG 9...

Page 9: ...BG 7 2 3 MIN 1 MAX 5 1 1 3 3 4 10 C BG 10...

Page 10: ...BG 8 C T 1 6 a n d 4 3 C S T 1 6 a n d 3 8 C N 1 6 a n d 3 2 C S N 1 0 a n d 3 2 C 24 5 5 16 C 32 C 3 BG 11...

Page 11: ...BG 9 1 2 BG 12...

Page 12: ...BG 10 4 BG 13...

Page 13: ...BG 11 MAX 5 t MAX 1 2 BG 14...

Page 14: ...1 2 3 15 W 4 5 BG 12 5 BG 15...

Page 15: ...BG 13 6 BG 16...

Page 16: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BG 17...

Page 17: ...BG 15 7 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BG 18...

Page 18: ...nim za kvalitet I sigurnost Nadamo se da e isti da odgovori vasim potrebama I zahtevima Kada god smo vam potrebni ne dvoumite se potra iti nas Mi cemo uvek biti uz vas kada god vam je potrebno za sara...

Page 19: ...temperature 35 Dodaci 36 Posuda za led 36 Plasti ni struga 36 NACIN ODLAGANJA HRANE 36 UL LGHU 36 DPU LYD 36 CISCENJE I ODRZAVANJE 37 2GOH LYDQMH 38 Zamena sijalice 39 TRANSPORT I 13 5 63 39 Promena p...

Page 20: ...e bude zaglavljen ili o te en UPOZORENJE Nemojte da postavljate vi e prenosivih strujnih uti nica ili prenosivih jedinica napajanja na zadnjoj strani ure aja Simbol ISO 7010 W021 Upozorenje rizik od p...

Page 21: ...O fri idera Taj utika mora se koristiti sa specijalno uzemljenim tekerom od 16 ampera Ukoliko nemate WDNDY WHNHU kod ku e nek vam autorizovani elektri ar instalira jedan Ovaj ure aj se mo e koristiti...

Page 22: ...janje detaljnih informacija o tretmanu odbacivanju I ponovnom kori enju ovog proizvoda stupite u kontakt sa prikladnim lokalnim ustanovama slu bom za sakupljanje ku nog otpada ili sa prodavnicom u koj...

Page 23: ...od izvora toplote i u prostoriju koja se dobro provetrava Ure aj treba da bude udaljen najmanje 50 cm od radijatora SH L na gas ili ugalj i 5 cm od HOHNWUL QLK SH L Ne postavljajte WH NH predmete na...

Page 24: ...eporu uje se da fri ider radi u okolinama hladnijim od 10 zbog efikasnosti Postavke termostata moraju se postaviti uzimaju i u obzir IUHNYHQFLMX RWYDUDQMD vrata L NROL LQX KUDQH NRMD VH XYD XQXWDU IUL...

Page 25: ...te podelite u YL H delova Za ostavljanje zamrznute hrane SULGU DYDMWH se REDYH WHQMD koja su napisana na pakovanju smrznute hrane a ako uputstva nema takvu hranu ne treba zamrzavati i XYDWL GX H od 3...

Page 26: ...SRWUHEOMDYDMX L sodu bikarbonu i mlaku vodu Ladice LVWLWL posebno sa vodom i sapunom i nikako u PD LQL za pranje Ne koristite abrazivne proizvode GHWHUG HQWH L VOL QR Posle pranja isperite LVWRP vodom...

Page 27: vreme skidati Koristite SODVWL QX lopaticu DPU LYD treba LVWLWL na isti QD LQ kao L IUL LGHU najmanje dva puta JRGL QMH U tu svrhu treba Dan ranije treba postaviti termostat u poziciju da ELVWH kom...

Page 28: ...RNUHWQH delove police dodatke fioke LWG ili ih pri vrstite trakama tokom transporta ili novog pozicioniranja Prevozite fri ider uspravno UPOZORENJE AKO JE FRI IDER TRANSPORTOVAN U HORIZONTALNOM POLO A...

Page 29: ...bro nivelisan Da li nesto dodiruje SROH LQX XUH DMD Ako ima vode na dnu uredaja Proverite Da li je ispust za vodu DSX HQ Preporuke Ukoliko ne ete koristiti fri ider tokom du eg perioda npr Tokom godi...

Page 30: ...k fri idera hladi tokom odmrzavanja Time se tedi energija Ako se zamrznuta hrana RGPDK L YDGL napolje time se gubi energija 4 Pi a i ka e koje stavljate u fri ider moraju da budu SRNULYHQD U suprotnom...

Page 31: ...delovima aparata Delovi mogu da budu razli iti zavisno RG PRGHOD aparata DPU LYD UL LGHU Posuda za led Plasti ni struga Polica u DPU LYD X X L WH termostata Polica IUL LGHUD Sigurnosno staklo Kutija N...

Page 32: ...LINO...

Page 33: ...17 17 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 35 35 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 43 44 44 44 45 46 47...

Page 34: ...MK 17 ISO 7010 W021 R600 isobutene 1 MK 35...

Page 35: ...16 8 MK 36...

Page 36: ...MK 19 2000 m MK 37...

Page 37: ...MK 20 WEEE MK 38...

Page 38: ...MK 21 220 240 50 2 50 m 15 m 2 3 MK 39...

Page 39: ...MK 22 2 1 5 1 1 2 2 3 10o 24 5 5 16 C 32 C C T 18 43 ST 18 38 N 16 32 SN 10 32 MK 40...

Page 40: ...MK 23 3 1 2 MK 41...

Page 41: ...MK 24 4 3 MK 42...

Page 42: ...MK 25 5 MK 43...

Page 43: ...MK 26 1 2 3 15 4 5 5 15 MK 44...

Page 44: ...MK 27 6 MK 45...

Page 45: ...MK 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MK 46...

Page 46: ...MK 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 MK 47...

Page 47: ...siguris Shpresojm se i nj jti do ti p rgjigjet nevojave dhe k rkesave t juaja Sa her q keni nevoj p r ne mos hezitoni dhe na k rkoni Ne do t jem gjithmon me ju sa her q ju keni nevoj p r bashk punim...

Page 48: ...tur s 49 Aksesor t 50 Forma e akullit 50 Ndarja e ngrir sit 50 RREGULLIMI I USHQIMEVE N PAJISJE 50 Ndarja e frigoriferit 50 Ndarja e ngrir sit 50 PASTRIMI DHE MIR MBAJTJA 52 Shkrirja e ndarjes s frigo...

Page 49: ...huni q kordoni i energjis t mos bllokohet ose d mtohet PARALAJM RIM Mos vendosni disa priza portative apo furnizime me energji portative mbrapa pajisjes Simboli ISO 7010 W021 Paralajm rim Rrezik zjarr...

Page 50: ...LQ H SDMLVMHV QJD QMs SHUVRQ SsUJMHJMsV SsU VLJXULQs H W UH sPLMsW GXKHW Ws PELNsT UHQ SsU W X VLJXUXDU Ts QXN OXDMQs PH SDMLVMHQ Nj spin e ve ant me tok zim sht lidhur me kabllon elektrike t frigorif...

Page 51: ...AL 46 Ws QJMDVKsP Ws NXDOL NXDU SsU Ws VKPDQJXU PXQGsVLQs H rrezikut Kjo pajisje nuk sht b r p r p rdorim n lart si m tep r se 2000 m ALB 52...

Page 52: ...gj se p r humbjet q mund t ndodhin Kjo pajisje sht prodhuar p r p rdorim familjar dhe sht e p rshtatshme vet m p r ftohjen ruajtjen e ushqimeve Ajo nuk sht e p rshtatshme p r p rdorim tregtar ose t p...

Page 53: ...ntoni frigoriferin n nj vend t p rshtatsh m n m nyr q t ket t pakt n 15 cm n pjes n e sip rme K mb t e p rparme p rshtat se duhet t vendosen n nj lart si t p rshtatshme p r t lejuar funksionimin e fri...

Page 54: ...ur s duhet t b hen sipas shpesht sis s hapjes s der s dhe sasis s ushqimeve t mbajtura n frigorifer Frigoriferi juaj duhet t p rdoret p r deri n 24 or sipas temperatur s s ambientit pa nd rprerje pasi...

Page 55: ...atur n e dhom s dhe duhet t rregullon p r t siguruar qarkullimin e mir t ajrit n ndarjen e frigoriferit Asgj nuk duhet t prek murin e pasm pasi do t shkaktoj akull dhe paketimi mund t ngjitet n murin...

Page 56: n sht pi Ndiqni gjithmon udh zimet e printuara n paketim dhe mos kaloni asnj her afatin maksimal t ruajtjes t sh nuar Kini parasysh se n se d shironi ta hapni p rs ri der n e ngrir sit pasi ta keni...

Page 57: ...UIXQGRQL pun t e pastrimit rivendoseni n priz me duar t thata Ju duhet t pastroni kondensatorin prapa pajisjes me fshes nj her n vit p r t siguruar kursimin e energjis dhe p r t rritur produktivitetin...

Page 58: ...mund t vendosni nj ose dy legen me uj t ngroht Thani pjes n e brendshme t nj sis me kujdes dhe vendoseni el sin e termostatit n pozicionin MAX Nd rrimi i llamb s ndri uese t frigoriferit P r t nd rru...

Page 59: ...n t mbyllura mir Nuk ka pluhura n kondensator Ka hap sir t mjaftueshme n muret e pasme dhe an sore N se ka zhurm Gazi i ftohjes q qarkullon n qarkun e frigoriferit mund t b j nj zhurm t leht gurgullim...

Page 60: ...ra etj N rast t kund rt p rdorni nj pllak izoluese 2 L rini ushqimet dhe pijet e mbrojtura q t ftohen jasht pajisjes 3 Kur shkrini ushqimet e ngrira vendosini ato n ndarjen e frigoriferit Temperatura...

Page 61: ...e termostatit 3 Rafti i frigoriferit 4 Kapaku i ndarjes s perimeve 5 Ndarja e perimeve 6 K mba e nivelimit Kjo paraqitje sht vet m p r informacion mbi pjes t e pajisjes Pjes t mund t ndryshojn n var...

Page 62: ...ollow the recommendations spec i ed in the following booklet and in this way your appliance will remain working e ciently Do not hesitate to contact us if necessary We will always be next to you in or...

Page 63: ...ies 79 Ice tray 79 Plastic scraper 79 ARRANGING FOOD IN THE APPLIANCE 79 Fridge compartment 79 Freezer compartmen 80 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE 81 Defrosting 82 Replacing the light bulb 83 TRANSPORTATIO...

Page 64: ...the appliance ensure the supply cord is not trapped or damaged WARNING Donot locatemultipleportablesocket outlets orportable power supplies at the rear of the appliance Symbol ISO 7010W021 Warning Ri...

Page 65: a specially grounded socket of 16 amperes If there is no such socket inyour house please have one installed by an authorised electrician This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and...

Page 66: ...ay cause an accident Old fridges and freezers may contain isolation material and refrigerant with CFC or HFC Therefore take care not to harm environment when you are discarding your old fridges Please...

Page 67: away from electrical ovens Your fridge freezer should never be used outdoors or exposed to rain When your fridge freezer is placed next to a deep freezer there should be at least 2 cm between them...

Page 68: terms of its efficiency Temperature adjustments should be made according to the frequency of door openings and the quantity of food kept inside the fridge freezer When you first switch on the appli...

Page 69: ...C Plastic scraper After a period of time frost will build up in certain areas in the freezer compartment The frost accumulated in the freezer should be removed periodically Use the plastic scraper pr...

Page 70: ...the frozen foods the instructions shown on frozen food packages should always be followed carefully and if no information is provided food should not be stored for more than 3 months from the purchase...

Page 71: ...of bicarbonate of soda and lukewarm water Clean the accessories separately with soap and water Do not clean them in the dishwasher Do not use abrasive products detergents or soaps After washing rinse...

Page 72: ...reezer compartment should be cleaned in the same way as the refrigerator compartment with the defrost function of the compartment at least twice a year For this The day before you defrost set the ther...

Page 73: ...ring or a strong rope The instructions written on the corrugated box must be followed while transporting Before transporting or changing the installation position all the moving objects ie shelves cri...

Page 74: ...he condenser There is enough space at the rear and side walls If your fridge is operating too loudly Normal Noises Compressor noise Normal motor noise This noise means that the compressor operates nor...

Page 75: ...he low temperature of the frozen food will help to cool the refrigerator compartment when it is thawing This will help to save energy If the frozen food is put out it results in a waste of energy 4 Co...

Page 76: ...tat box 5 Fridge shelves 6 Crisper cover 7 Crisper 8 Levelling feet 9 Bottle shelf 10 Butter Cheese shelves 11 Egg holder PART 7 THE PARTS OF THE APPLIANCE AND THE COMPARTMENTS This presentation is on...

Page 77: ...LINO RU 78...

Page 78: ...58 58 61 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 67 68 69 69 69 70 71 72 80 80 83 83 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 89 90 91 91 91 92 93 94 RU 79...

Page 79: ...RU 58 ISO 7010 W021 R600a 1 RU 80...

Page 80: ...16 RU 81...

Page 81: ...RU 60 8 2000 RU 82...

Page 82: ...RU 61 RU 83...

Page 83: ...RU 62 220 240 50 50 5 2 15 2 90 75 RU 84...

Page 84: ...RU 63 3 2 MIN 1 MAX 5 1 1 2 3 4 RU 85...

Page 85: ...RU 64 10 C 24 5 5 16 C 32 C C T 16 43 C ST 16 38 C N 16 32 C SN 10 32 C RU 86...

Page 86: ...RU 65 3 1 2 i RU 87...

Page 87: ...RU 66 RU 88...

Page 88: ...RU 67 4 RU 89...

Page 89: ...RU 68 MAX 5 MAX RU 90...

Page 90: ...1 2 3 15 W 4 5 RU 69 5 RU 91...

Page 91: ...RU 70 6 RU 92...

Page 92: ...RU 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RU 93...

Page 93: ...RU 72 7 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RU 94...

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Page 97: ...Prishtin tel 038 60 22 02 Magjistralja Prishtin Gjilan km 2 t PRILEKS RKS 02 32 39 777 3 2 043 412 551 047 242 885 56 044 337 919 157 2 034 320 551 272 SKOLEKS MK 0723 68 830 28 02 963 33 20 963 33 80...
