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Uphorik: The most flexible, highly versatile 
stand-alone phono stage yet 


A powerful breakthrough in stand-alone phono stage design which allows all 
turntable customers to fine-tune their system exactly as they wish.   


Linn Uphorik is a truly universal phono stage that offers complete flexibility through its 
compatibility options, and in the process delivering Linn audio performance.Uphorik uses 
technology developed for the Linn Urika, the in-built phono stage for the coveted LP12 SE, and 
makes it available to everyone. It is for all turntable enthusiasts who constantly seek optimal 
performance from their existing turntable, tone-arm and cartridge, regardless of configuration 
both now and for years to come. 


Compatible with virtually any cartridge within any system via quick and easy adjustment 
of external switches  


Option to bypass switches internally with solder to further improve the audio 


Separate inputs and circuits optimised for any MC or MM cartridge 


Dual mono channel separation shielded internally to eliminate potential crosstalk to 
deliver clear, pure sound 


Balanced and unbalanced connections for greater flexibility (a new XLR T-Kable is 
available as an upgrade) 


Available in black or silver 


Demonstrating Uphorik


There are many ways to showcase the versatility of Uphorik and demonstrate how to make a 
customer’s turntable sound better than it ever did before.  For example… 


Demonstrate within a multi-brand turntable system 


Demonstrate against competitor phono stages 


Demonstrate against Linto within a Linn system 

Upgrade your demonstration stock with Uphorik and invite all of your turntable customers to 
experience the clearer, purer sound and unrivalled flexibility. 
Your Account Manager will be in contact with you during March to arrange a time for 
demonstration and training.   Place orders for Linn Uphorik now by contacting the Linn Order 
Processing Team on tel: +44 (0) 141 303 5177, fax: +44 (0) 141 644 4262, or email: 

[email protected]

