STOP Command (Program Quitting Command)
The STOP command stops a running program.
Cursor Position
Enter & Operation
Command Field
Sub-Command Field
Operand Field
The program simulating operation is stopped. And then, the analyzer stops measuring.
DISI Command (Trigger Interrupt Disable Command)
The DISI command disables branching when trigger conditions are satisfied after executing the INT command.
Cursor Position
Enter & Operation
Command Field A
Sub-Command Field -
Operand Field
The branch of programs on satisfaction of trigger conditions is disabled.
To enable branching, execute the INT command again.
RETI Command (Trigger Interrupt Reset Command)
The RETI command returns the program control to the main routine from a subroutine which the program con-
trol is branched to by the INT command.
Cursor Position
Enter & Operation
Command Field 9
Sub-Command Field -
Operand Field
Operand field: input 3 digits of label number with the key, 0 to 9. Or input“don’t care” (*) by [END/X].
The program control returns to the main routine from a subroutine which the program control is branched to by
the INT command. If the label number of three digits is entered in the operand field, the main routine is restarted
at the instruction marked with the label number. If “Don’t Care” is entered in the operand field, the main routine
is restarted at the instruction next to that which is being executed before branching by the INT command.
Return point during wait status
When the WAIT command is executed and it becomes the waiting status,next command after WAIT
command is executed if the program is branched by the INT command after trigger condition 0 is satis-
fied and the returned point of REIT command is "don't care" . More over, it is possible that frame buffer
becomes empty when WAIT FRM command is branched to wait status and no command is executed.
LBL Command (Command to Define Label)
The LBL command defines the destination of a branch command.
Cursor Position
Enter & Operation
Command Field
Sub-Command Field
Operand Field
Enter a label number in three digits decimal figures with the key, 0 to 9.
The LBL command defines a branch destination of the following commands: GOTO, IF, CALL, INT and RETI.
The LBL command has no effect on the operation as the NOP command.