Rev. 0
Battery Stack Monitor
The DC2732A demonstrates a high voltage battery pack
. The LTC2949 is a high
precision current, voltage, temperature, charge and
energy meter for electrical and hybrid vehicles and other
isolated current sense applications. It infers charge and
energy flowing in and out of the battery pack by simulta-
neously monitoring the voltage across two sense resis-
tors and the battery pack voltage.
Due to its compatible protocol, the LTC2949 can share the
same communication bus with ADI battery stack monitors
that contain the isoSPI™ interface.
The LTC2949 is typically powered from an isolated sup-
ply and directly connected to the battery stack on the low
or high side depending on the shunt position. Resistive
high voltage dividers provide connections to high voltage
terminals that need to be supervised.
Design files for this circuit board are available
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