Linear Technology LTM9003 Demo Manual Download Page 1






12-Bit Digital Predistortion

Receiver Subsystem

Demonstration circuit DC1642A is an evaluation board fea-

turing Linear Technology Corporation’s LTM


9003 12-Bit 

predistortion receiver subsystem. DC1642A demonstrates 

good circuit layout techniques and recommended external 

circuitry for optimal system performance.
DC1642A comes with Linear Technology’s 12-bit LTM9003 

receiver subsystem installed. The board includes output 

LVDS buffers. DC1642A plugs into the DC890 data acqui-

sition demo board using an FT149 adapter card and the 

output can be easily analyzed with Linear Technology’s 

PScope™ data processing software, which is available 

for no charge on our website at

Design files for this circuit board are available at


, LT, LTC, LTM, µModule, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks 

and PScope is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the 

property of their respective owners.

Validating the performance of the LTM9003 is simple 

with DC1642A, and requires only two input sources, a 

clock source, a computer, and a lab power supply. Refer 

to Figure 1 for proper board evaluation equipment setup 

and follow the procedure below: 
1. Connect the power supply as shown in Figure 1. There 

are on-board low-noise voltage regulators that provide 

the supply voltage for the DC1642A. The entire board 

and all components share a common ground. The power 

supply should still be a low-noise lab power supply 

capable of supplying at least 1A.

2. Provide an encode clock to the ADC via SMA connector 

J7. Use a low-phase-noise clock source such as a filtered 

RF signal generator or a high-quality clock oscillator. 

Note: Similar to having a noisy input, a high-jitter (phase 

noise) encode clock will degrade the signal-to-noise ratio 

(SNR) of the system.

3. Apply an RF input signal to the board. For best results, 

use a low distortion, low noise signal generator with 

sufficient filtering to avoid degrading the performance 

of the receiver.

4. Apply an LO input signal to the board. Note that the 

difference in frequency between this signal and the RF 

signal will be the IF frequency resulting at the IF filter 

and ADC input.

5. Observe the ADC output with the FT149 adapter card 

connected to the DC890, a USB cable, a Windows 

computer, and Linear Technology’s PScope data pro-

cessing software. Note that the DC890 will also require 

an external 6V/1A power supply when receiving LVDS 


quick start proceDure

Table 1. DC1642A Variants








2.5V ADC, 3.3V Amplifier, 3.3V Mixer

184MHz Center, 125MHz Bandwidth




2.5V ADC, 3.3V Amplifier, 5V Mixer

184MHz Center, 125MHz Bandwidth

orDer options

Downloaded from

Summary of Contents for LTM9003

Page 1: are on board low noise voltage regulators that provide the supply voltage for the DC1642A The entire board andallcomponentsshareacommonground Thepower supply should still be a low noise lab power supply capable of supplying at least 1A 2 Provide an encode clock to the ADC via SMA connector J7 Usealow phase noiseclocksourcesuchasafiltered RF signal generator or a high quality clock oscillator ...

Page 2: source J9 LO Board LO Signal Input Impedance matched to 50Ω for use with lab signal generators TP1 External Reference Reference Input to Adjust the Full Scale Range of the LTM9003 Connects to the SENSE pin by default tied to VDD for internal reference TP2 GND DC Ground TP3 3 3V DC Supply Input 3 3VDC TP4 GND DC Ground TP5 5V DC Supply Input 5VDC Signal Generator HP 8644B or Equivalent BPF RF Si...

Page 3: ...ings for the data collection Using PScope Software PScope downloadable from Linear Technology s website athttp www linear com software processesdatafromthe DC890 QuikEval II data acquisition board and displays FFT and signal analysis information on the computer screen Theon boardEEPROMU1shouldenableautomaticboard detection and auto configuration of the software From the Configure menu in the toolb...

Page 4: ...istor 1000Ω 0 01 1 10W 0603 Vishay CRCW06031K00FKEA 23 3 R10 R24 R48 Resistor 100k 0 01 39829 0402 Vishay CRCW0402100KFKED 24 2 R12 R49 Resistor 10k 0 01 39829 0402 Vishay CRCW040210K0FKED 25 1 R47 Resistor 32 4k 0 01 39829 0402 Vishay CRCW040232K4FKED 26 3 R4 R5 R51 Resistor 4 99Ω 0 01 39829 0402 Vishay CRCW04024R99FKED 27 2 R1 R2 Resistor 49 9Ω 0 01 39829 0402 Vishay CRCW040249R9FKED 28 2 R7 R11...

Page 5: ...ponsibility is assumed for its use Linear Technology Corporation makes no representa tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights Schematic Diagram Downloaded from Arrow com Downloaded from Arrow com Downloaded from Arrow com Downloaded from Arrow com Downloaded from Arrow com ...

Page 6: ...EPT TO THE EXTENT OF THIS INDEMNITY NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT SPECIAL INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods Further the user releases LTC from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods Due to the open construction of the product it is the user s responsibility ...
