WARNING: Position the seatbelt
height adjuster so that the seatbelt rests
across the middle of your shoulder. Failure
to adjust the seatbelt correctly could
reduce its effectiveness and increase the
risk of injury in a crash.
1. Press the button and slide the height
adjuster up or down.
2. Release the button and pull down on the
height adjuster to make sure it is locked
in place.
How Does the Seatbelt Reminder Work
This feature supplements the seatbelt
warning function by providing additional
reminders that intermittently sound a tone
and illuminate the seatbelt warning lamp
when you are in the driver seat or you have
a front seat passenger and a seatbelt is
The system uses information from the front
passenger sensing system to determine if a
front seat passenger is present and therefore
potentially in need of a warning. To avoid
the system switching on the Belt-Minder
feature for objects you place on the front
passenger seat, only the front seat
passengers receive warnings as determined
by the front passenger sensing system.
If the Belt-Minder warnings expire (warnings
for about five minutes) for one passenger
(driver or front passenger), the other
passenger can still cause the Belt-Minder
feature to switch on.
2021 Nautilus (CD9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 202011, First-Printing