User’s ManUal
Have a technical question?
If you have questions, or require
technical service, please contact
our trained service technicians at:
1-314-679-4200 ext. 4782
Monday – Friday 7:30 am to 4:15 pm CST
Visit our web site at www.lincolnindustrial.com
for new products, catalogs, and instructions
for product use.
need service parts?
To order replacement or service parts,
visit us online at www.lincolnindustrial.com
or call toll free 1-800-992-9898.
Owner/Operator responsibility
It is the owner’s/operator’s responsibility to:
• Properly use and maintain this equipment.
• Read and understand the instructions and
warnings contained in this manual prior to
operating this equipment.
• Have the contents of this manual
explained in their native language if
they do not understand any of the
languages herein.
• Retain this manual for future reference
to important warnings, operating and
maintenance instructions.
Tank Capacity:
20 gallons (76 liters)
Max. Air Pressure:
150 PSI (10 bar)
Min. Air Pressure:
90 PSI (6 bar)
Max. Fluid Temperature: 176° F (80° C)
20-GallOn flUid evacUatOr
MOdel 3650
august 2010
Form 420234
section -