Safety Precautions
Only Qualified personnel should perform
this maintenance.
Turn the input power OFF at the
disconnect switch or fuse box before
working on this equipment.
Do not touch electrically hot parts.
See additional warning information throughout
this Operator’s Manual
Clean interior of machine with a low pressure air stream. Make a
thorough inspection of all components. Look for signs of
overheating, broken leads or other obvious problems. Many
problems can be uncovered with a good visual inspection.
VRD™ Functionality should be checked once per day or once per
shift. VRD™ functionality can be verified by the indicator lights on
the front of the power source. One of the lights will be illuminated
at all times when VRD™ is enabled. No lights will be illuminated
when VRD™ is disabled. VRD™ can be verified by cycling power
as well. When VRD™ is enabled, the VRD™ indicator lights will
illuminate for 5 seconds at power up and one light will remain
1. Every 6 months or so the machine should be cleaned with a
low pressure airstream. Keeping the machine clean will result
in cooler operation and higher reliability. Be sure to clean
these areas:
• All printed circuit boards
• Power switch
• Main transformer
• Heatsink fins
• Input rectifier
• Auxiliary transformer
• Reconnect switch area
• Fan (blow air through the rear louvers)
2. Examine the sheet metal case for dents or breakage. Repair
the case as required. Keep the case in good condition to
insure that high voltage parts are protected and correct
spacings are maintained. All external sheet metal screws
must be in place to insure case strength and electrical ground
Thermal Protection
Thermostats protect the machine from excessive operating
temperatures. Excessive temperatures may be caused by a lack of
cooling air or operating the machine beyond the duty cycle and
output rating. If excessive operating temperature should occur, the
thermostat will prevent output voltage or current. The meter will
remain energized during this time. Thermostats are self-resetting
once the machine cools sufficiently. If the thermostat shutdown
was caused by excessive output or duty cycle and the fan is
operating normally, the Power Switch may be left on and the reset
should occur within a 15 minute period.
1. Connect a resistive load bank to the machine configured for
300A/20V (750A/50V equivalent).
2. Connect a certified calibrated current probe or current meter
and shunt to the output circuit.
3. Disconnect input power from the machine being calibrated;
remove the right case side to provide access to the User
Interface. Set position “1” on the dip switch to “ON” as
shown in Figure B.7. (Note: additional dip switch positions
may be different than pictured below depending on the
configuration of your machine. Refer to INTERNAL CONTROLS
– ENABLING VRD, MULTI-WELD sections of the manual).
Replace the right case side.
4. Rotate the Hot Start control and Arc Control knobs completely
5. Replace the right case side; reconnect input power to the
machine and energize.
6. The display should read “Cur CAL”.
7. Rotate the Hot Start knob clockwise to enable the output
which will be indicated by the scrolling message “AdJ Pot So
rEAL Cur = 300 A” on the display.
8. The actual output current should be 300 +/- 2 A. If the actual
output current is within the specified limits, skip to step 8.3.
If the actual output current is not accurate perform the
8.1. Adjust the output control knob until the actual output
current reading is within the specified range.
8.2. Toggle the Local/Remote switch to save the calibration.
The display should flash “CAL SEt”.
8.3. Rotate the Hot Start knob counter-clockwise to disable
the output.
9. Disconnect input power from the machine being calibrated;
remove the right case side to provide access to the User
Interface. Set position “1” on the dip switch back to “OFF”.