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When the actuator wakes up after power down and sees that the state of the two hall sensors has
changed, the “position valid” bit will be set to “0”. On firmware versions 1.2 and lower, it is required
to do an initialisation run in either inwards or outwards direction. On firmware versions 1.3 and higher,
it is NOT required to do an initialisation run, but it is recommended, to be sure that the position is valid.
The communication sequence to position the actuator to a given position is:
*IR = Input Register, HR = Holding Register
Run to predefined positions
It is possible to pre-define up to 4 different actuator positions and then have the actuator switch between these
positions by simply sending one command.
*IR = Input Register, HR = Holding Register
Register *
Check that general run-prerequisites are fulfilled.
HR 1
Write a value into ‘Target Position’ parameter (unit is 1/10 mm relative
to offset).
HR 2
Write a 1 (Run to Target Position) into ‘Command, Remote’ parameter.
The actuator will now start to move towards the target position.
IR 3
IR 5
If you want the acknowledge of a successful positioning you should
read and wait until ‘Run Status’ has become 0 (Idle) and then verify
that ‘Reason for Last Stop’ = 0 (Target position reached).
This step can alternatively be part of the general run-prerequisites
above as verification of the previous positioning - to avoid inefficient
Register *
Check that general run-prerequisites are fulfilled.
HR 6, 7, 8 or 9
Write one to four values into ‘Reference Position 1,2,3 ad/or 4’ (unit is
1/10 mm relative to offset).
HR 2
Write a 6, 7, 8 or 9 into ‘Command, Remote’ parameter. The actuator
will now start to move towards either the pre-set position 1, 2, 3 or 4.