The device built-in various kinds of patterns to meet various test
Color bar series can be used to check if the color is displayed normally,
and whether the image has cross-color interference.
Purity series are often used to check color purity. When using the Red
pattern, no other color should be present on the screen. If the Red pattern
appears tinted, then this is an indication that the color purity should be
adjusted. The Red pattern can also be used to ensure that there is no
interference between the sound and the chroma carrier, in addition to
adjusting the long play delay level to minimum flicker.
Black is often used to test whether the screen has bright spots and
whether there is light leakage.
Blue is a complementary color. It is frequently used to test color
Gray Scale series can be used to locate faulty linearity of the video
amplifier or gray scale setting.
Grid series and cross patch patterns are mainly used for detecting corner
Gradient serious are used to detect linearity faults in the video amplifier.
Non-linearities will usually result in color level compression.
3.2. MODE
Summary of Contents for SG-12G
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