This instruction guide applies to Liko HygieneSling, Liko HygieneSling with Belt, and Teddy HygieneSling, yet in this text we
usually simply refer to the product as HygieneSling. In this document, the person being lifted is referred to as the patient,
and the person helping them is referred to as the caregiver.
Product Description
The Liko HygieneSling is designed in order to assist with
dressing and undressing when lifting to and from the
toilet, these are lifting situations that are often difficult
for caregivers. Thanks to the large opening around the
buttocks, dressing and undressing can be performed during
the lifting procedure itself. The HygieneSling is easy to
apply even if the patient is placed tightly in the wheelchair.
The patient’s arms should always be on the outside of the
HygieneSling to ensure safety.
The HygieneSling usually works well for patients with long
trousers and for patients wearing skirts and leggings.
It is necessary to have good body stability to sit well in the
HygieneSling. It is often quite suitable for patients with a
certain body stiffness. Mod. 41 differs from Mod. 40 in that
it is equipped with a belt. A correctly applied belt and the
arms placed outside the sling, protects the patient from
sliding out of the sling.
All sizes are manufactured in single-tone green polyester
with reinforced, corduroy-lined leg support. Size XS also
comes in a softly warp-knitted polyester fabric with a teddy
bear pattern, and is therefore called Teddy HygieneSling,
Mod. 41.
For people with compromised balance, or where the
user needs one arm placed on the inside of the sling,
it is
recommended to use Liko HygieneSling with Safety belt
Mod. 45 or 46. These models have a safety belt that holds
and lifts the patient by the upper body if he/she sinks too low
during the lifting procedure.
Alternative for patients with poor muscle tone
For lifts to/from the toilet for patients with poor muscle
tone (and need more upper body support),
t is recommended
to use the Liko HygieneVest Mod. 50 or 55. Model 55 is
equipped with built-in head support.
The patient’s arms must be kept outside HygieneSling
Mod. 40 and 41 during the lifting procedure in order to avoid
the risk of sliding out of the sling.
Suitable lifts
he HygieneSling can be used along with all of Liko’s overhead
and mobile lifts. You can choose between the overhead lifts
LikoGuard™, Likorall™, and Multirall™ or the mobile lifts
Golvo™, Viking™, Uno™, and Liko™ M220/M230.
Mod. 40
Mod. 41
7EN160186 Rev. 8
HygieneSling, Mod. 40
HygieneSling with Belt, Mod. 41
Teddy HygieneSling,
Mod. 41
Instruction Guide
Symbol description
is a warning triangle used for situations which require extra care and attention.
reference to read instruction guide for detailed information.