SMAX - SSI and analogue
6 - Diagnostic LED
A LED is installed in the front side of the sensor and is designed to show visually
the operating or fault status of the device, as explained in the following table.
The sensor is running properly, there are no active
Blinking at high
frequency (100 ms ON /
100 ms OFF)
Machine data parameters error
Blinking slowly (500 ms
ON / 500 ms OFF)
Flash memory error
Blinking very slowly (1 s
ON / 1 s OFF)
Error of the Hall sensors while reading the magnetic
Single flash (200 ms ON
/ 1 s OFF)
The sensor is installed too far from the magnetic
scale, the installation does not comply with the
tolerance values between the sensor and the scale
(see Figure 2)
Double flash (200 ms
ON twice / 1 s OFF)
Several errors are active in the same time
When you execute the TEACH-IN procedure (this function is available only for
SMAX with analogue interface -AI1-, -AV2-), as soon as you activate the
input the LED switches off; as soon as you activate the
input it
switches on again. For any further information see the “5.3 TEACH-IN
procedure” section on page 24.
For further information refer also to the “8 - Troubleshooting” section on page
MAN SMAX SSI_AI1_AV2 E 1.5.odt
6 - Diagnostic LED
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