Analog gain (%)
This parameter sets the the maximum output value of the analogue output
expressed in percentage (%) of (+/-)10 V or 20 mA.
Smallest gain
Default value
Highest gain
If you set “102.00” next to this item the result will be a conversion of 10.2 V or
20.4 mA when the value set next to the
parameter is reached.
If you set “95.00” next to this item the result will be a conversion of 9.5 V or 18
mA when the value set next to the
parameter is reached.
Analog offset
This parameter sets the zero offset of the analogue output.
Smallest offset
Default value
Highest offset
If you set “+00.20” next to this item the result will be an offset of 0.02 V or 0.04
mA as regards the
MAN LD220 E 1.4.odt
6 – Menus and parameters
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