Preliminary information
This guide is designed to describe the technical characteristics, installation and use of the SSI to
CANopen gateways of the
IF55 series
IF55 series gateways allow the
integration of SSI encoders
, both rotary and linear,
into conventional
fieldbuses or industrial Ethernet networks
The present manual is specifically designed to describe the SSI to CANopen IF55 model for rotary
encoders (order code IF55 ROT CB). For information on the SSI to CANopen IF55 model for linear
encoders (order code IF55 LIN CB) refer to the specific documentation.
For information on the gateways designed for the integration of other fieldbus/Ethernet encoders (for
example, SSI to Profibus: order codes IF55 ROT PB and IF55 LIN PB; and SSI to EtherCAT: order codes IF55
ROT EC and IF55 LIN EC; etc.), refer to the specific documentation.
Please note that the present manual does not prescind from the user's guide of the SSI encoder it has to
be connected to. Please read carefully the encoder's documentation before installing, connecting and
operating the measuring system.
For detailed technical specifications please refer also to the product datasheet.
CANopen connection cap as follows:
CANopen interface with PGs
CANopen interface with M12 connectors
For any further information please refer to the product data sheet.
To make it easier to read the text, this guide can be divided into two main sections.
In the first section general information concerning the safety, the mechanical installation and the
electrical connection as well as tips for setting up and running properly and efficiently the unit are
In the second section, entitled
CANopen Interface (DS406)
, both general and specific information is
given on the CANopen interface. In this section the interface features and the objects implemented in
the unit are fully described.