7 – Set up procedure
For all basic applications you can use the TEACH function for commissioning of
the unit.
Extended setup functions need a PC and are described in the section “11 -
Parameter settings” on page 58.
As a first step it is advisable to check the input pulses by means of the LED
labeled “Status”. Position 6 of DIL1 must be set to ON to perform this test (see
section “6.5 TEACH function, TEST function, restoring the default settings” on
page 52).
After pressing once the TEACH button (see Figure on page 49), the yellow LED
will light up as soon as the unit detects a pulse on input A. The LED will switch
OFF when no input pulse is detected any more.
When you press the TEACH button once more, you can also check input B (if
applicable). With use of mode A+B and two independent impulse sources, again
the yellow LED will light up as soon as a pulse is detected on input B.
7.1 Operation as a single channel counter (without direction signal) or as
a positional counter (with direction signal)
Make sure the DIL switches are set according to the encoder
in use; position 6 of switch DIL1 must be set to OFF (TEACH function
Auto test:
Upon power up, both front LEDs must light up first and
then yellow status LED must switch off after the auto-test has been
carried out successfully (approx.1 sec.).
Scaling of the analogue output by means of the TEACH function:
Press once the TEACH button. The status LED will start blinking at a low
frequency while the unit waits for the operator to set the minimum
counter state, i.e. the state where later you expect the analogue output
to be zero (in general, this will be with counter = 0).
Please set the counter to the desired state or move the encoder to the
desired position and reset the counter to zero. Then press the TEACH
button again. This will store your minimum counter definition.
The LED will now start blinking at a faster frequency and the unit will
wait for the operator to set the maximum counter state, i.e. the state
where later you expect the full scale analogue output.
Please get the counter to the desired state or move your encoder to the
desired position.
Then press the TEACH button once more. This will store your maximum
counter definition and the LED will switch off.
After you complete the TEACH procedure, your analogue output is set to 0–10
volts swing between the minimum and the maximum counter state.
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7 – Set up procedure
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