AMM8A SSI & BiSS C-mode
can be situated both on the device side and on user’s side. The best solution
to minimize the interference must be carried out by the user.
1.3 Mechanical safety
Install the device following strictly the information in the “4 - Mounting
instructions” section on page 16;
mechanical installation has to be carried out with stationary mechanical
do not disassemble the encoder;
do not tool the encoder or its shaft;
delicate electronic equipment: handle with care; do not subject the device
and the shaft to knocks or shocks;
respect the environmental characteristics declared by manufacturer; the
encoder must be adequately protected under an appropriate enclosure for
the specific application.
1.4 Specific handling and cleaning instructions and safety information
against electrostatic discharges
Please be sure to strictly observe the following safety precautions and
instructions before handling and installing the modular encoder.
Open the box and handle the electronic components only within an EPA
(Electrostatic Protective Area) and when you are properly grounded;
before handling the modular encoder the operator must wear:
- a wrist strap; it must be worn on the hand and connected to
ground through a 1 megohm resistor;
- an ESD smock made of dissipative material;
- dissipative gloves; they are further used not to dirty the code disk
while mounting;
always handle the encoder by grasping the metal enclosure on the sides;
the code disk must always be handled by grasping its collar;
MAN AMM8A SSI_BiSS E 1.10.odt
1 - Safety summary
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