Battery Control Box
All controls for the unit are contained in a small, inline audio control box. This should make it
easy to locate, even if it’s on the floor next to your intercom.
Active Cancellation ON/OFF Button
This button, when depressed, will activate the active circuitr y in each dome for canceling
low frequency ambient sound. It functions with a Push “ON”, Push “OFF” motion. A green
flashing light indicates “ON”.
Battery Status Indicator
When the active circuitr y is “ON” the LED button will flash green. When batter y power
falls to 10% capacity for powering the ANR circuit the LED button will change to flashing
red indicating you have 2 hours or less of batter y power to run the ANR system.
NOTE: Should batteries expire, the headset will still function with Audio and Comm.
The ANR and the AUX Audio will no longer operate.
Dual Volume Controls
These controls provide separate volume levels in each ear cup. Move the slide switches
up and down to change the volume levels.
Aux Audio Input
The Aux Audio input allows you to plug in personal audio devices such as Por table
CD Players, MP3 Players, Audible Checklists or Cell Phones.Your headset is supplied
with a 2.5mm patch cord, the evolving standard for hands free headsets in the cell phone
market.This patch cord will plug directly into most phones. If yours does not, please go
to anrheadsets.com to see about an adapter.
Battery Test
By pressing the batter y test button the batter y status indicator light will show Green
for good batter y, or Red for 10% or less power left to run the ANR circuit.
Your QFR headset can be used compatibly with either a Monaural or Stereo intercom
system. With the slide switch in the right position, it is Monaural. When moved to the left,
it is in Stereo.
If you are only receiving audio in one ear, move the slider to the right.
Comm Priority
Turning “On” Comm Priority will automatically mute 80% of the auxiliar y audio signal.
This allows the user to clearly hear radio intercom communications above any auxiliar y
audio in use. Positioning the switch to the right turns Comm Priority “On”, to the left
turns Comm Priority “Off ”.
We Recommend Alkaline AA Batteries.
Non-Alkaline Batteries Decrease
Available Operation 40% to 70%.
Top View
Bottom View
The FCC only allows the use of a cell phone
within the cockpit when the plane is on the ground. By
offering the cell phone interface on the control box,
LightSPEED Aviation does not promote the use of your
cell phone while in the air. If you choose to use your cell
phone in the air, you do so in violation of FCC rules and at
your own risk.The FAA has no position on the use of cell
phones either while on the ground, or in the air. However,
it is the duty of the pilot in command to be sure that
electronic devices used in the plane do not conflict with
the proper operation of the aircraft or its systems.
We don’t promise that this will work with all
phones. Contact LightSPEED if yours does not.
Q F R X C c
User’s Guide
Thank you for purchasing our QFRXCc ANR headset. Based on
hundreds of hours of test flying and a wide range of pre-production
evaluations, we are confident you will find it to be one of the most
comfor table ANR headsets you have ever owned. The QFRXCc
interfaces with your aircraft communication equipment through the
standard two plug configuration and is compatible with a wide range
of radios and intercoms.The following is an over view of the
features/controls and a few of the fit/function differences that make
this product unlike any other headset you’ve ever owned.