631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
www.lightolier.com © 2009 Philips Group • B0609
Job Information
Job Name:
Cat. No.:
Lytecaster Recessed Downlighting
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3 ¾" (95mm) Aperture Line Voltage 120v ES/ESD16 IC / Air Seal Electronic Frame-in-Kit
Complete fixture consists of Reflector Trim & Frame-In Kit. Select each separately
3 3/4" (95mm)
Accepts most 3 3/4" (95mm) 300 series trims ;
see Reflector Trim specification sheets.
Power Pack
Reflector Trim
1. Housing:
032" (#20 ga.) aluminum. CSA certified and UL listed for direct
contact with thermal insulation. Airseal housing minimizes air leakage to less
than 2 CFM at 1.57 PSF (or 75pa), which complies with Model Energy Code
(Section 602.3.3) and Washing State Energy Code (Section 502.4) and reduces
heat loss and condensation in ceiling. Access door for inspection of junction
2. Mounting Frame:
.032 (#20 ga.) aluminum. Accommodates ceilings up to 1"
thick. 3/8" deep integral lip. Locks into position along length of mounting bars
with locking screw and bendable slot. Four slots are positioned 90° apart to
simplify alignment.
3. Mounting Bars:
16 ga. galvanized steel. Extend from 14" (356mm) to 24"
(610mm). "SwiveLock" system permits installation and wiring below the
ceiling. Pre-installed No. 6 auger point screws for installation in wood and
steel joists. Attaches to T-bar ceilings without the need of accessories.
4. Junction Box:
2"( 51mm) x 4" (102mm) x 3 1/2" (89mm) 22 ga.galvanized
steel. CSA certified and UL listed for maximum of 8 No. 12 ga. Integral cable
clamp permit attachment of non-metallic (#12 or#14 ga.) cable without tools
or additional connector.
5. Socket:
Porcelain body; Twist and lock (GZ base) Pre-wired with 18 ga.
Teflon 250° leads to junction box.
6. Lamp cover:
Aluminum heat deflector for ES/ESD16 dichroic lamp.
7. Internal Thermal Cut-out:
Meets NEC and UL requirements.
Air Seal.
Tested in accordance with ASTM E283 (max 2 cfm @ 75 pa) and com-
ply with WSEC & MEC when installed as instructed.
Damp or Wet location rated depending on trim used.
1" MAX.
24" MAX.