Page 1: ... MOUNTING PIATE to OUTLET BOX using 011TL 3 BOX SCREWS provided with OUTLET BOX 1 While supporting BACKPL4TE make contractions black fixture lead or fixtura without tracer marks to Rot black supply lead white fisture lead or fisture lead with trecar marks to neutral white supply lead Uninsulated fixtwa wire is a ground wira add must be connested to grounding terminal or ground lead inside OUTLET B...
Page 2: ... area of DIFFUSER LIPhooks war DIFFUSERCAT12Hon BACKPLATE Fig 2 Swing DIFFUSER back againat SACKPlATE and sacure DIFFUSERin position by threading THUMB SCREW into hole in the top of BACKPIATE Fig 3 CAUTION Make certain that THUMB SCREWtightens into tha raceasad sres of the DIFFUSERLIP Fig 3 Do not over I tightanTHUMBSGREW DIFFUSEif damagacouldoccur THUMB SCREW 1 c rTHuMBscRw 4 HG 9 ...