Photic Stimulator Setup Software
The parameter is set as follows:
Bit 7 (MS)
Bit 0 (LS)
Int 2
Int 1
Int 0
Dur 3
Dur 2
Dur 1
Dur 0
Int 2 – 0 represent a 3 bit binary value for the Intensity. The range is 7 (111, max) to 1 (001, min). A value of 0 = 7
max default.
Dur 3 – 0 represents a 4 bit binary value for the duration in ms. The range is 10 ms (1010, max) to 1 ms (0001,
min). A value of 0 = 10 ms max default.
The desired value is set by adding together (16 x Intensity) + Duration. This value in entered into the text box and
saved in the Photic unit by clicking ‘Save’. The value is automatically read back and displayed to the left to confirm.
So for example to set Intensity 7 and Duration 10, the value to enter would be 112 + 10 = 122.
NOTE: This only works for Photic units fitted with firmware V3 or later. The version is displayed at the top of
the window..
NOTE: For firmware V4 or later it is also possible to override the PWM input case when 12V is applied.
This is useful for situations where 12V is available, not 5V or USB, and the host software does not support the
generation of a PWM trigger signal to control the intensity of the Photic unit.
In the above parameter, the Dur value is set to 15 to set this special mode in the Photic unit. The intensity can
be set as required to 1 to 7, as above.
4.8 Shutdown procedure
Figure 11: Shutdown Procedure
1 Click Stop.
2 Terminate the program by clicking X at top right.
3 Unplug USB cable.