Click on a sequence step in the table and adjust its parameters using the slider controls below. To set these new
values, click on the ‘Set’ button. To program a gap, set the frequency to 0. To end the sequence, enter 0 for the Rate
and Time. The Flash Duration control will be available if Auto Duration has not been set, as described above. Click
on Exit when finished setting up. This will save the settings and revert to the control panel.
4.6 Setup 1
Figure 10: Setup 1
The software version is displayed at the top.
The ‘Always on top’ option sets whether the window is displayed always on top or not. The minimise window op-
tion is, of course, operational in either mode.
Keyboard Shortcuts
You can select which keyboard key will start and stop the Photic flashing. Note that this key will work regardless of
whether the Photic Control application has the Windows focus or not. Select ‘none’ to disable the feature.
Photic Stimulator Setup Software