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Copyright © Liberty Pumps, Inc. 2022 All rights reserved.
All personnel shall be trained and qualified for safe work
practices and procedures.
All installations shall be in compliance with all applicable
Federal, State, and Local codes and ordinances for hazardous
All electrical terminations shall be made according to Federal,
State, and Local codes for hazardous or classified locations.
Conduit, junction boxes, and associated components shall be
approved for use with hazardous locations and installed
according to specifications.
This pump has been evaluated for use with water only,
however use with human waste and toilet paper is permitted.
For pressure sewer applications
, verify a Redundant Check
Valve Assembly (curb stop and check valve) is installed
between the pump discharge and the street main, as close to
the public right-of-way as possible, on all installations to
protect from system pressures.
Verify 3-phase pumps for correct rotation prior to installing
pump(s) in basin. To change rotation, reverse any two of the
three power leads to the pump (not the ground). Code the
wires for reconnection after installation.
Do not dispose of materials such as paint thinner or other
chemicals down drains. Doing so could chemically attack and
damage pump system components and cause product
malfunction or failure.
Do not use pumps with fluid over 104°F (40°C).
Operating the
pump in fluid above this temperature can overheat the pump,
resulting in pump failure and excessive cavitation.
Do not use pump system with mud, sand, cement,
hydrocarbons, grease, or chemicals. Pump and system
components can be damaged from these items causing
product malfunction or failure. Additionally, flooding can
occur if these items jam the impeller or piping.
Submersible Pump—do not run dry.
The Uniform Plumbing Code® states that sewage systems
shall have an audio and visual alarm that signals a
malfunction of the system, to reduce the potential for
property damage.
Keep pump upright.
Do not allow pump to freeze.
At no time shall the pump be stored within an incomplete wet
pit. The pump shall not be placed into the pit until it can be
fully operational.
Replacement impellers must match the part number of
original impeller installed from the factory. Do not trim
impellers without consulting the factory.
Model Specifica tions
For complete listing of models and their specifications, refer to
www.LibertyPumps.com/lep/About/Engineering-Specs. Pump
nameplate provides a record of specific pump information.
Inspection a nd Stora ge
Initial Inspection
The pump should be immediately inspected for damage that may
have occurred in shipment.
Visually check the pump and any spare parts for damage.
Check for damaged electrical wires, especially where they exit
the motor housing.
Contact Liberty Pumps customer service to report any damage or
shortage of parts.
General Information
This manual contains important information for the safe
installation and use of this product. Make sure this manual is
provided to the owner of the equipment or to the
responsible party who maintains the system.
These LEP-Series pumps are to be used for handling septic
tank effluent, sewage, and drain (storm) water.
Provide pump serial number in all correspondence and
Complete the Start-Up Report as installation progresses.
Completed and submitted Report is required for warranty.
Retain Report for reference. www.LibertyPumps.com/LEP/
For ordinary locations,
pumps are certified by CSA®
Group to CSA and UL® standards.
For hazardous locations,
pumps are certified by CSA Group
to CSA, UL, and FM standards for use in hazardous locations
with division classification of Class 1, Division 1 Group C and
D; or as zone classified Class 1, Zone 1, and Group IIA and
IIB. Do not use in other hazardous locations.
Pumps must be serviced at a qualified hazardous motor
enclosure repair facility approved by Liberty Pumps. Any
unauthorized field repairs void warranty and hazardous
location ratings. Contact Liberty Pumps at 1-800-543-2550
to locate the closest authorized service center.
Operating Constraints
It is extremely important to verify that the pump has been
sized correctly for the intended installation. The operating
point of the pump must lie within the acceptable range as
outlined by the applicable Liberty Pumps performance chart.
Operating the pump outside of the recommended range
can invalidate the CSA Certification of the pump and can
also cause damage and premature failure. Operating
outside of the recommended range can cause the pump to
exceed its rated nameplate amp draw, which will void the
pump certification. It can also cause motor overheating,
cavitation, excessive vibration, clogging, and poor energy