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D-620003-0-20 Rev J
Preparing for System Installation
Tools and Materials Required
Optional Accessories
Table 7-3
Tools and Materials Required for Component Installation
Cable ties
Phillips screwdriver
7-inch lb. torch wrench
Mounting screws and spring nuts
Fiber cleaning supplies: compressed air; isopropyl alcohol; lint-free cloths;
2.5mm lint-free, foam tipped swabs;
Compressed air
Screws, anchors (for mounting RAUs)
Fiber connector cleaning kit
Fusion splicer
Splicing tool kit (including: snips, cladding strippers, fiber cleaver, isopropyl alcohol,
lint-free wipes)
Fusion splicing sleeves
Table 7-4
Optional Accessories for Component Installation
Wall-mount equipment rack(s) (PN 4712)
Note that if using this rack with an Expansion Hub, the Hub’s mounting bracket must
be moved to the center mounting position.
Cable management (Cable manager: PN 4759; Tie wrap bar: PN 4757)
Splice trays
Pigtails with SC/APC connectors, 3 m (10 ft):
Multi-mode Fiber SC/APC Pigtail (PN 4012SCAPC-10)
Single-mode Fiber SC/APC Pigtail (PN 4013SCAPC-10)
Jumper cable when Main and Expansion Hubs are collocated, 3 m (10 ft):
Single-mode Fiber SC/APC (PN 4018SCAPC-10)
Teltone Line Sharing Switch (M-394-B-01)
When using a single POTS line with multiple Main Hub/Modems: Connect up to four
modems to a line sharing switch; can cascade switches to accommodate up to 16
modems per POTS line