Language & Input option>Language>Add a language>Select a language from
the list. Now selected language will display in the Language preference list.
Here select the preferred language and drag it to the top position to use
selected language as phone
’s default language.
Enable Swipe up on Home button to switch apps and if disable
will switch to three button interfaces as Back, Home and Recent key.
Date & time -
You can use Date & Time settings to set your preferences for
how dates are displayed. You can also use these settings to set your own time
and time zone, rather than obtaining the current time from the network etc.
Here can enable or disable backup your data to Google drive, if
enable, the google drive will backup of your gmail, apps, contacts, SMS etc.
Reset Options
Reset your phone in this interface as Erase all data or Reset
wifi, mobile & network settings or reset app preference.
Multiple Users -
User can create multiple guest/user using this option.
System Update
– Check here for any new update if any software update
available here and then update.
About phone -
This function enables you to view some phone related information
like software info, IMEI info, serial number, SAR info etc.
4.24 Sheets
Create, edit, and collaborate with others on spreadsheets from your device with
the Google Sheets app. With Google Sheets Open, edit, and save Excel files.
4.25 SIM Toolkit
Here you will find SIM Services.
4.26 Slides
Create, edit, and collaborate with others on presentations from your device with
the Google Slides app. With Google Slides you can
Open, edit, and save
PowerPoint files.
4.27 Sound Recorder
Use this function to record audio files and can check recorded audio files.
4.28 YouTube
Here you can watch videos of your choice after data is connected.
4.29 Google Assistant
Your device has the Google Assistant built in. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things.
It’s your own personal Google. Touch and hold Home key and then you will see
"Hi, how can I help?" after which you can say your voice command.
Note: -
The Google assistant is not available in all languages.