Control and check the status of the display through the Web browser.
This function is available for PCs and mobile devices.
Different features are supported depending on the product.
[Dashboard]: Display a summary of the product's status and provides links to each page.
[Display & sound]: Provides features such as Screen Brightness, Sound, Input, and Reboot.
[Time Setting]: Enable/disable Set Automatically feature and displays/changes the time set for the product.
[Network]: Set the name and IP address of your Signage monitor.
[Tile Mode]: Display the tile mode settings of the product.
[Fail Over]: Turns the Fail Over feature on or off and sets related items.
[Play via URL]: Turn Play via URL on or off and set URLs.
[S/W Update]: Update the firmware of the product.
[Charts]: Output the product's status information such as its temperature and fan status.
[Log]: Output product malfunction records.
[System Information]: Output information such as the product's software version and model name.