The UAA is a 12 digit
number. The left column is the
number given in MSB form
and the right is canonical.
Static ARP and telnet
Use this method from any Windows, OS/2, or UNIX workstation. You need to
know the physical address of the MarkNet print server to use this method.
The workstation and the
printer must be on the same
Find the physical address (UAA) of the MarkNet print server (for example,
00200022012F) on the network setup page you printed earlier. If you have
an Ethernet network, use the number in the right column (canonical). If
you have a Token-Ring network, use the number in the left column (MSB).
Set the IP address in your workstation ARP table. At a command prompt,
type a command similar to the following, inserting the IP address you
want to assign and the UAA:
arp -s 00-20-00-22-01-2F
Set the IP address, netmask and gateway in the print server. To do this,
telnet to port 9000 on the MarkNet print server by typing a command
similar to the following:
telnet 9000
Verify the print server is up and running on the network.
Print server TCP/IP setup utility
It doesn’t matter which form of
the UAA you use (MSB or
Information on installing,
using and troubleshooting the
utility is on the CD.
Use this simple utility to initialize the IP address if your workstation is running
Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT. You need the 12-digit physical
address of the print server to use this method.
To install the utility, launch the Drivers, MarkVision and Utilities CD, do a
custom install to add network support, and then select Print Server TCP/IP
Setup Utility.
Once the IP address has been set (using any method),
you can use your browser to remotely view and
manage the network printer. Functions include
viewing printer status in real time, resetting the
printer, changing settings, and so forth. Type the IP
address of the MarkNet print server in the URL field
of the browser (for example, http: //,
and then press Enter.
Link to the
resident web