background image

W e m a k e   p r i n t i n g   e a s y

S o m e t i m e s   y o u   w a n t

t o   t a k e   y o u r   t i m e .

S o m e t i m e s   y o u   d o n ’ t .



Your fast, reliable desktop


Up to 26 ppm

Network-ready model

Up to 801 sheets
input capacity

Stylish but swift

Compact, durable and backed by a 366MHz processor, this speedy

desktop printer reaches rapid speeds up to 26 ppm.

Reliable and easy to use

Benefit from easy front-loading supplies, PCL printing, and advanced

technology that practically eliminates paper jams.

Greater choices for you

You can opt for a network-ready model, extra memory, and a second

input drawer to boost capacity or load various media.

