Horse Racing Speed
One player game, hold one controller in each of your hands
Controller Operation:
• Left/Right directional keys = Move player
• Swing controller 2 = Accelerate
• Down button and swing controller = Whip
• Choose your character, horse and race setting, rankings will appear at the end of
the game, watch out, whipping the horse will make you faster but lose energy!
Press button A and button B alternately to add the throw power
in the game.
Press LEFT or RIGHT key to throw the discuss. The sector
appear, and move up the degree scale. Higher speed will give
longer thrown distance.
One or two player game, hold one controller in your hand
Controller Operation:
• Swing controller up and down = Run faster
• Choose your player, race setting, and race length. When the
gun shoots, swing the controller up and down to run faster.
There is a calorie counter on the bottom of the screen to track how hard you are
Little Hunter
Button instruction: Directional Left= move left
Directional Right=move right
Directional UP= add throw power
Directional DOWN= reduce throw power Sway the controller
to throw the spear. Game start, use directional Left & Right to
control movement, use directional UP & DOWN to control throw direction. Sway
the controller to throw the spear.Hit first quarry and get 10 scores, hit second and
get 20 scores, hit third and get 30 scores, etc. But the maximum is 50 scores even
through you hit the seventh quarry incessantly.