Barcode tape
BPS 34
Leuze electronic
Control barcode
With the aid of control barcodes, which are simply affixed over the barcode tape at the
necessary locations, functions can be activated and deactivated in the BPS 34.
The control of functions using control barcodes is a new feature of the BPS 34. The imple-
mentation of additional control options via control barcodes is in preparation.
Structure of the control barcode
The control barcodes utilise code type Code128 with character set B; the position barcodes,
on the other hand, utilise Code128 with character set C. Code 128 with character set B
enables the display of all letters and numbers in the ASCII character set.
System arrangement
Figure 6.5:
System arrangement of control barcodes
The control barcode is affixed either within one or between two barcode tapes in such a way
that one position barcode is replaced or two barcode tapes are seamlessly connected to one
It must be ensured that only one control barcode is located in the scanning beam at any one
time. Thus, the minimum distance between two control barcodes is determined by the dis-
tance between the BPS and barcode tape and the resulting length of the scanning beam.
The control barcode is decoded in the
scans which are marked with this symbol
Control barcode