General Information
TNT 35 und TNT 35/7-24V
Leuze electronic
Contactless active protective device (BWS)
Corresponds to AOPD
Output switching element (OSSD)
The part of the AOPD which is connected to the machine control and which moves into the
OFF-position as soon as the sensor part reacts during normal operation.
Start disable
An equipment which disables the automatic machine start if the power supply of the
contactless active protective device is switched on or if it had been interrupted and
switched on again.
Start testing
A manual or automatic test which is performed after the contactless active protective
device has been switched on. It tests the complete safety-relevant control system before
the normal machine operation is induced.
The intentional bridging of the safety function, e.g. during material transport into the
hazardous area.
Muting sensors
Muting sensors define between persons and transported material. If the muting sensors are
activated simultaneously or in the intended order, the safety function of the AOPD is
bridged. Material can be brought into the hazardous area without taking the machine out of
Relay monitoring
The relay monitoring checks before every release of the switching outputs if the succeeding
contactors are open. Only then, a new release is possible.
A function which prevents an automatic restart of a machine after
• sensor detection during a potentially dangerous motion of the machine,
• a change in the operating mode of the machine and
• a change in the actuation mode of the machine.
Selection of Optical Electronic Protective Devices
The following strategy is to be applied (iterative process):
1. Determination of the protected area
2. Determination of the protective function
• Finger or hand protection
• Access protection for persons
• Presence detection
3. Determination of the control category
4. Calculation of the safety distance