Leuze electronic
DDLS 548i
Mounting with alignment laser and level
The optional alignment laser simplifies mounting of the mutually opposing devices.
• The alignment laser consists of an integrated laser with special beam optics. In addition, a level is inte-
grated in devices with alignment laser.
• Alignment laser, level, transmission optics and installation in a device housing form an axially parallel
• The laser spot of the alignment laser shows the installation position of the mutually opposing device.
Horizontal mounting (travel axis) with the alignment laser
A drilling template is included with the packaging.
all dimensions in mm
Fig. 4.1:
Drilling template
When performed using the drilling template, the described mounting procedure results in a set-
up with the housings of the devices offset relative to one another (see figure). The transmitted
beam of one device is thereby aligned with the center of the receiver optics of the mutually op-
posing device.