Leuze electronic webConfig tool – Extended configuration
Leuze electronic
BPS 301i
Leuze electronic webConfig tool – Extended configuration
With the Leuze electronic webConfig tool, an operating-system independent, web-technology based,
graphical user interface is available for configuring the BPS.
The webConfig tool can be run on any Internet-ready PC. The webConfig tool uses HTTP as communica
tion protocol and the client-side restriction to standard technologies (HTML, JavaScript and AJAX) that are
supported by modern browsers.
Installing software
In order for the BPS to be automatically detected by the connected PC, the USB driver must be installed
once on your PC. Administrator rights are required for driver installation.
9.1.1 System requirements
Table 9.1:
webConfig system requirements
9.1.2 Install USB driver
Start your PC with administrator privileges and log on.
Download the setup program from the Internet:
www.leuze.com > Products > Measuring Sensors > Sensors for Positioning > BPS 300i > (Name of the
BPS) > Tab Downloads > Software/driver.
Start the setup program and follow the instructions.
The webConfig tool is offered in the following languages:
German, English, French, Italian, Spanish
If a USB driver for the webConfig tool is already installed on your computer, the USB driver does
not need to be installed again.
Regularly update the operating system and the Internet browser.
Install the current Windows Service Packs.
Operating system
Windows XP (Home Edition, Professional)
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
PC with USB interface version 1.1 or higher
Graphics card
Min. 1024 x 768 pixels or higher resolution
Required disk space
for USB driver
10 MB
Internet browser
Internet Explorer version 8.0 or higher
Firefox version 4.0 or higher
Alternatively, you can manually install the LEO_RNDIS.inf USB driver.
Contact your network administrator if the installation fails.