Leshine W-023 Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for W-023

Page 1: ...Electronic Pet Fencing System 023 ...

Page 2: ...aying within established boundaries Main Fealures Pulsed Proportional Stimulu The closer your dog gets to the boundary the more intense the shock will be Progressive Tone Stimulu A waming tone will be issued firet lhen o shock slimulus ofter4 l O seconds lf yar dog continues to move closer to the boundory the shock stimulus will progressive Variable Field Width Controt Allows you to precisely ntro...

Page 3: ...ructions before using this prcduct IMPORTANT Realize that bmuse individual dogs have unique tempemments lhere is no way of knwing how your dog will react to its intoduclim lo this prcduct For the safety of your dog initial faining shoutd take pla using a long teash to keep you in ntrol of the situation Also Ealize that an aggcssive animal could tum against th handler upon reeiving the stimulus The...

Page 4: ... l ark your diagram with the proposed lo tion of your wire This will provide an easy referen as you install the wire For the system to wo propedy the wire must make one continuous loop The signal is transmitted from one terminal ofthe transmitter through the wire and back to the other teminal Example lnstallation Diagrams Keep pets sepaEted or to oll i lllil _ Single loop Back Yard Zone This lets ...

Page 5: ...by several facto6 a Total area to be contained b Using a double loop This reouires twice as much wire_ c Size of the signal ield The signal field is the distance from the wire to the pla where the mllar receiver firsl activates A 3 to 4 metec wide feld is prefered STEP 4 INSTALL THE WALL TMNSMITTER lnstall the wall lransmitter close to a standard 240 volt household ouflet Do not plug the tEnsmitte...

Page 6: ...iver following the positive and negative G signs inside the battery mparfnent tn rect instailation uld euse permanent damages to some elect onic parts When the indi tor light tums green it mmns the llar reeiver is working properly When the indicaior light lums red it means battery is running dom and needs to be eplaged f Pffi IMPORTANT NOTE Do NOT ptace the llar eiver on your dog unijt the ntainme...

Page 7: ...ire ln water andpr the wire with large rccks Protect the wire with an old garden hose or plas c PVC piping STEP 12 INSTALL THE BOUNDARY TRAINING FLAGS After installing the wire retest lhe ontainment system as describ d in Step 10 Test the Containment Syst6m Vedry that the signal field width is nsistent by following the instructions in Step l 1 Adjust the Signal Field Wdth As you are relesting and ...

Page 8: ...on you dog in the safe area of the yard 3 Pla a long leash on your dog Ptay with the dog in the sfe area of the yard 4 Wdk towards the ltags lf your dog tries to avoid the flags prais and ca ure yourdog 5 Repeat this step in other lo tions of th yard 6 Allow no more than thre corections in a day or seven in a reek This deponds on your dog s slress toleEne Most dogs only re ive a few redions during...

Page 9: ...roedue Make a lest l p using a pi of wiE at least 4 metec in length Remove the existing wire from your wall traremitter lnsrt the two ends of the lest loop wire into the wall tBnsmitter Tum the field width knob to a lw setting Pla the test light on the llar recdiver With the llar in hand move outside the field and appoach the test loop Make a mental note of the distane between the collar and the w...

Page 10: ... Pleee mt dom the I t wirc you t w the lmemt wire 6md withthe tuih Othwie the tumihwil t worting EWly fhis corn t wry is wng 2 If thft e ey womg orution caus d tbe rytu wo king uconventioaally plw unplug the pwd of th tuiffi AftEr 5 min s The sysh wil wort pryedy when you plw tle pwa ag in f ii comet ssy is right ...
