Lenze · Decentralised frequency inverter 8400 motec (EtherNet/IP™ option) · EDS84DMOTEIP EN 3.0 - 02/2019
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Fault with regard to EtherNet/IP communication
The response of the Inverter Drive 8400 motec to a fault with regard to EtherNet/IP communication
can be set in the »Engineer« under the
Idle Mode
The 32-bit real time header sent by the scanner is evaluated.
• Run/idle flag (bit 0) = 1:
• The scanner indicates the validity of the I/O data.
• Run/idle flag (bit 0) = 0:
• The I/O data are invalid and the response parameterised here (
) is executed on the inverter.
• The I/O data are processed as set in
Overall Ethernet
Communication Timeout
If, after the time set in
) has elapsed, access via the »Engineer«
is no longer executed, the response parameterised here (
) will be
effected in the inverter.
Fault Mode
The adapter (Communication Unit) monitors the I/O connection to the
If no "implicit message" has been received within the timeout time for
implicit messages parameterised by the scanner, the response
parameterised here (
) is executed on the inverter.
Overall Ethernet Timeout Time
Here, the overall message timeout time (
) is set.
If no message has been received within this time, the response
parameterised in
) is executed.
The following messages are monitored:
• Implicit messages
• Explicit messages
• »Engineer« access via EtherNet/IP
Explicit Msg Timeout
If no "explicit message" has been received within the timeout time for
explicit messages parameterised by the scanner, the response
parameterised here (
) is executed on the inverter.
Clear I/O Data
), serves to set the I/O data to be processed by the adapter to
maintain internal communication if ...
• the CIP network status (
) of the controlling I/O connection is not
"Connected" or
• an idle event has occurred.