Lenze · Decentralised frequency inverter 8400 motec (EtherNet/IP™ option) · EDS84DMOTEIP EN 2.0 - 10/2013
About this documentation
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Target group
This documentation addresses to persons who configure, install, commission, and maintain the
networking and remote maintenance of a machine.
Current documentation and software updates with regard to Lenze products can be found
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Information regarding the validity
The information given in this documentation is valid for the following devices:
Screenshots/application examples
All screenshots in this documentation are application examples. Depending on the firmware
version of the field devices and the software version of the Engineering tools installed (»Engineer«,
»RSLogix 5000«), the screenshots in this documentation may differ from the actual screen display.
Product series
Type designation
Inverter Drives 8400 motec
EtherNet/IP Communication Unit
EtherNet/IP + Safety