Highlight the drive (or drives) to be connected and click [Connect] in the dialog box.
Figure 6: Connection Box with Discovered Drive
In the lower left of the MotionView display, the Message WIndow will contain the connection status message.
The message “Successfully connected to drive B04402200450_192.168.124.120” indicates that the drive
B04402200450 with IP address is connected.
4.3.3 Setting the Network Protocol
In the left-hand node tree of MotionView OnBoard, click on the [Communications] folder. Using the drop
down menu, select [PROFIBUS-DP] as the requied fieldbus selection.
Figure 7: Fieldbus Selection
The Important Message box (to REBOOT) is displayed because the Communication setting has been changed
(from None to PROFIBUS DP in this example). Click [Ok] to dismiss the dialog box. Reboot the drive.