4.1 Overview
It is assumed that the user has familiarised themselves with how to set parameters using MotionView
software. Refer to the PositionServo with MVOB User Manual (S94PM01) for more details.
The details that follow provide a step-by-step guide to quickly and easily set-up a PositionServo drive to
communicate on a PROFIBUS DP fieldbus network, in a basic format. There are many more features and
settings available for the PROFIBUS DP option module, for details on these refer to the fuller description in
the sections that follow.
4.2 Configuring the Network Master
4.2.1 Master Support Files
Most PROFIBUS-DP master configuration software utilises GSD files to configure the network profile and
communications with the relevant devices. GSD files are text files that contain information about the device
timings, features supported and available data formats for the PROFIBUS-DP device. Device icon files are
also supplied for use with the PROFIBUS-DP configuration software.
Many manufacturers offer language-specific GSD files for their PROFIBUS-DP devices. In this case the
term and file suffix “GSD” is used for their primary/default language choice and additional files may
be available for alternative languages and will be named differently. For example, for manufacturers
where English is not the primary language it may be possible to obtain GSD and GSE files where the
GSD file is written in the native/home language and the GSE file will is written in English etc.
The PositionServo GSD files are available on the CD ROM that ships with the drive and on the Lenze-AC
Tech website.
4.2.2 PROFIBUS-DP Master Setup Procedure
The method for configuring master devices differs greatly between manufacturers. Provided herein is a
very basic, generic guide to setting up a network master.
Launch the Master configuration software.
Install/Import the required GSD support file(s) using the wizard tool if provided.
Setup master PROFIBUS DP port with required cirteria such as node address and baudrate etc.
Add or “drag and drop” the required slave devices from the GSD library to the PROFIBUS DP network
which is typically depicted on screen.
Configure the slave node address, ensuring that each node has a unique and individual address.
Configure each slave's I/O data size. (This is typically done by dragging and dropping the required
amount of modules from the GSD file library or picking the modules from a list).
NOTE: Although there are only 4 modules listed in the GSD file, these can be used several times to create
the required amount of data.