Disk drive module
Figure 46 2.5" to 3.5" hybrid drive carrier adapter
Drive status indicators
Green and amber LEDs on the front of each drive carrier module indicate disk drive status. The SEP controls these
“Disk drive carrier module LEDs” (page 97)
describes the LED states.
Dummy drive carrier modules
Dummy drive carrier modules, also known as either an LFF HDD Blank Filler (3.5") or SFF HDD Blank Filler
(2.5"), are provided, and they must be installed in all empty drive slots to create a balanced airflow.
Figure 47 LFF HDD Blank Filler and SFF HDD Blank Filler
(3.5" drive slot)
LFF HDD Blank Filler
(2.5" drive slot)
SFF HDD Blank Filler