Verify that the Enclosure ID LED (located on the left ear) is illuminated green.
Verify that the CRU OK and Temperature Fault LEDs are illuminated green, and that the Fault/Service
Required LED is off (all three LEDs are located on the right ear).
For LFF disks, verify that the Power/Activity LED (bottom LED on front of disk) is illuminated green or
blinking green.
Remove the enclosure bezel to view disk LEDs. Attach the bezel when finished viewing disk LEDs.
For SFF disks, verify that the Power/Activity LED (left LED on front of disk) is illuminated green or
blinking green.
Remove the enclosure bezel to view disk LEDs. Attach the bezel when finished viewing disk LEDs.
Verify rear panel LEDs:
Verify that each power supply module’s Input Source Power Good LED (top LED on PSU) is illuminated
Verify that the CRU OK LED on each ESM face plate is illuminated green, indicating that the module
has completed initializing, and is online.