Mellanox ConnectX-3 and EN6132 2-port 40Gb
Ethernet Adapters for Flex System
Product Guide
The Flex System EN6132 2-port 40Gb Ethernet Adapter and Mellanox ConnectX-3 Mezz 40Gb 2-Port
Ethernet Adapter in conjunction with the EN6131 40Gb Ethernet Switch offer the performance that you
need to support clustered databases, parallel processing, transactional services, and high-performance
embedded I/O applications, which reduces task completion time and lowers the cost per operation.
The EN6132 and ConnectX-3 adapters can help you achieve efficient computing by offloading protocol
processing from the CPU and data movement impact, such as RDMA over Converged Ethernet and
Send/Receive semantics, which allows more processor power for the application.
The EN6132 2-port 40Gb Ethernet Adapter is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flex System EN6132 2-port 40Gb Ethernet Adapter
Did you know?
The 40 Gb Ethernet solution that is offered by Flex System can deploy more workloads per server without
running into I/O bottlenecks. If there are failures or server maintenance, clients can move their virtual
machines much faster by using 40 Gb interconnects within the chassis.
The 40 GbE switch and adapter are designed for low latency, high bandwidth, and computing efficiency
for performance-driven server and storage clustering applications. They provide extreme scalability for
low-latency clustered solutions with reduced packet hops.
Mellanox ConnectX-3 and EN6132 2-port 40Gb Ethernet Adapters for Flex System