Tube and eyepiece setting
Set the beamsplitter in the phototube to the
viewing position by fully or partly pushing in the
rod (31.4).
The meaning of the switching positions is shown
by symbols on the left face of the tube and
described on p. 38.
For eyepieces with graticule inserted only:
Defocus the specimen or remove from the light
path and exactly focus the graticule by adjusting
the eyelens (Fig. 37.4) with a relaxed eye. (The
eye relaxes best if you look out the window
at a far distant object for a moment). See also
page 62. Only focus the specimen through the
eyepiece with graticule. Then close your eye
and focus the specimen by adjusting the second
eyepiece only.
Only if neither eyepiece has a graticule inserted:
When you adjust the eyelens a white line (36.5)
becomes visible round the basic part of the
eyepiece. This indicates the correct position of
the eyelens for viewers with normal or
corrected eyesight.
Spectacle wearers must remove the glare
protection, but viewers not wearing spectacles
must always put it on (36.7).
Set the interpupillary distance by pulling apart
or pushing together (50.1) the eyepiece tubes
until only one image can be seen with both eyes.
Note your personal interpupillary distance,
e.g. 65.
Close any tube exits (31.5, 31.9, 32 and 33) that are
not in use, as otherwise stray light can disturb
the image.