Apps - General
Apps are software packages supporting specific tasks. They appear in the
Leica Captivate - Home
panel as follows:
Setup (TS)
Scanning (MS60)
Measure, including auto point and for GS also hidden points
Stake points
Stake to line
Stake DTM
Stake pts & DTM
Measure to line
Volume calc
Traverse (TS)
Measure sets (TS) including monitoring
Stake road
Check road
Stake rail
Check rail
Stake tunnel
Check tunnel
Create coord sys
Meas plane/grid
TS hidden point (TS)
Inspect surfaces
Customised apps
For an explanation of the apps refer to the relevant chapters.
Loadable apps
Can be loaded onto the instrument.
Can be deleted from the instrument.
Non-loadable app
Are always available on the instrument.
Measure is a non-loadable app. To
update the app, reload the system soft-
Some loadable apps are protected. They are activated through a specific licence
key. Refer to "29.3 Load licence keys" for information on how to upload a
licence key.
Customised apps can be developed locally using the GeoC++ development envi-
ronment. Information on the GeoC++ development environment is available on
request from the Leica Geosystems representative.
Select the app from the
Leica Captivate - Home
Loadable and non-
loadable apps
Licence key
Customised apps
Access to an app
Apps - General