Leica CM3600 XP
Characteristics of the Leica CM3600 XP
The microtome is housed in a convection-cooled large-volume cryochamber. The large chamber in
connection with the special cooling system enables dehydration of sections within a very short time.
The low temperatures are achieved and maintained by cold air circulating inside the cryochamber.
A fan controls the air circulation speed.
The large specimens are frozen onto metal specimen stages which are subsequently clamped in the
specimen sledge.
Optionally the instrument can be operated with an extraction system which largely prevents the
cryochamber being soiled with section waste.
2.4 Function
The motor-driven specimen sledge moves horizontally underneath the knife, either producing a section
(cryosectioning) with each stroke or a high-quality specimen surface (cryo-planing technique).
Prior to each sectioning stroke, a stepper motor feeds the microtome knife downwards towards the
specimen by a selected amount of microns (section thickness).
During each return stroke of the specimen sledge, the stepper motor automatically carries out a knife
retraction movement, programmable between 50 and 250 μm. This protects both the knife blade and the
specimen surface from being damaged.
Before starting the next sectioning stroke, the motor lowers the knife towards the specimen surface by
the selected sectioning feed plus the set value for knife retraction.
Trimming is programmable; the desired section thickness can be preselected. The number of sections
to be performed during trimming can be programmed via the section counter. When the programmed
number of sections has been carried out, the microtome will stop automatically.
Once the desired specimen block height has been reached, those sections that will actually be used for
further examination are collected manually via the knee lever.
The Leica CM3600 XP is operated via PC and/or manually via the knee lever. All data entries are made via
the PC.
The Leica CM3600 XP features two automatic defrost cycles.
Defrost cycle duration is software-controlled. If the evaporator surface is already completely deiced
before the programmed defrost time is up, the defrost cycle will be aborted. In addition, manual defrost
cycles can be set as needed.